SIY; Chapter Fifteen

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" Baby, just go with it, 'cause when you're with me I can’t explain it, it’s just different, we can take it slow or act like you're my girl, let’s skip the basics, whoa, no.

He’s so replaceable you're worth the chase you're putting on. "

Chris Brown ; Fine China



I hadn't slept at all.

No matter how hard I tried my eyes wouldn't stay closed and my mind wouldn't shut off for the sake of my humanity, so I tossed and turned with literally everything on my mind from this to that, that to this it was irritating but yet I couldn't shake it.

It was around four am when my phone rang and I didn't bother to answer it until it just kept ringing and ringing and ringing, did this person have a life?

"Hello?" I answered not even a wink of sleep in my tone as I yawned lowly. 

"Zendaya." Trevor's voice filled my ears as I silently sighed at him, I wasn't as mad at him like I was a few hours ago when he punched Wyatt but I was still pissed that he did hit him considering fights are never the answer to absolutely anything.

"What?" I groaned.

"Come open the damn door, I've been calling you for ever and it's cold."He sounded again but slightly less happy to hear from me but way more annoyed.

"Why are you here?" I asked. " Aren't you suppose to be sleep?"

"How can I sleep when I know that you can't?" He told me softly causing my heart to flutter, it was still a mystery how he knew me so well.

"How do you know I can't sleep?" I questioned getting up from my bed and finding my way towards the door in complete darkness, every step making sure I don't trip and fall to my death anytime soon for that matter.

Trevor chuckled into the phone. " When do you ever sleep?" he answered. " Besides only reason I can't sleep is because you're on my mind." he paused. " I need to see you."

I was in front of the door leading to the front yard where Trevor was standing only inches away. 

"Why?" I spoke muttering into the phone as I didn't make any move to open the door.

He didn't say anything, but he soon ended the phone call and it was complete silence until a soft knock came at the door and I knew it was him but what I still don't understand how he knew me so well, how in the hell did he know I was standing only a few inches away from him only a door separating us?

Moving quietly I found myself twisting open the door and I was right, there stood Trevor cell phone in hand and waiting for me.

He stepped in quickly closing the door behind him in one fast motion and I was wrapped in his arms the next.

"Because I need you." He finally stated.

Pulling back from him I frowned in resistance.

"Why are you here?" I asked again not taking all of this cheesy bullshit. " Give me the real answer or you can just get the heel out now." I continued. " Your choice."

Stepping closer to me again Trevor sighed. " I want to be with you, I need to be with you, it's how I function, when I'm with you I can't explain it, it's just different." he finished off with e being pulled back into his arms and honestly I never wanted to leave.

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