Not an Update. Im sry.

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I'm working on the update don't worry and I told you guys that there would be slow updates anyway since I have school for another 4 months. Also, I haven't really been feeling myself lately. I've been feeling down about who I am and what I do because I let others words get to me.

I know that I give pep talks rarely about how you are beautiful and you shouldn't give up ever. But I feel like giving up!

I am so sad, and anger, and frustrated and bothered because this is the new year and I'm just so busy and things are going downhill for me.

My mom and sister or dad and sister are always fighting. My mom is always acting bipolar and makes the biggest deals over little things.

I'm not hungry when I'm hungry. I'm tired.

My heart just makes me feel like I'm gonna be sick or cry.

I want to cry but I can't.

Not even music is helping anymore.

I'm second guessing myself a lot and I wanna give up on my life for a while.

I can't keep doing this with the fake smiles and being funny to cover up how I really feel.... I am always here for people but people aren't there for me and I just feel so lonely and trapped inside of this world and I'm just not happy!!

I'm just done I wanna be done with everything and school starts Monday and I just wanna die like oml help me please!

Once again, I'm sry this wasn't an update and you don't have to read this and you don't have to care. But it would really help if you did.

Ily guys so much but I'm not happy! Bye guys.😔😞😢

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