Ch. 16

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Jacob : So me, Brandon, Mark, and Taylor were strolling through Target and buying random things because we were bored. Taylor walks over to the toy section and picks up a big rectangular box that says "Ouji Board."

"Hey baby whatcha got there?", Mark tries to peak over his shoulder. Taylor quickly hides it behind his back. Me and him share a smirk.

"Oh don't worry, you'll see, once we get home.", Taylor laughs as Brandon looks at him weirdly and Mark looks kinda curious.

Brandon rushes up to me.

"Hey baby, so what is that thing that we can't tell Mark about?"

"Oh, it's just some Ouji Board and we're gonna play it when we get home.", he smirks down at me and fear rises to my eyes.

"Cmon babe, we don't have to play if you don't want.", he looks kinda sad.

"Fine oh meh lordy!", I wave my hands in the air and he giggles. We make it to the cash register and pay for all our stuff and then drive home.

We're in the car and Mark peaks through some of the bags and finally finds the Ouji Board.

I laugh cause I see the panick on Mark's  face. Cause he's a scary ass bitch let me tell you.

"OH HELL NAW TAYLOR!!!", he looks at the board game and throws it to Taylor from the backseat.

He catches it and him and Brandon and me start laughing.

"Too late babe we already bought it!", he chuckles loudly.

"No Taylor! No no no! I'm not doing this you're just gonna have to count meh out sorry.", he picks at his nails and we all look at him and pout.

"I'm not doing it!"

--------after car drive----------------👀🍃
Brandon :

"I cannot believe we are doing this shit!", Mark yells at us as Taylor lights the candles and places them down on the table. "Alright let's do this thing.", he looks excited over the set up board and we all put our hands on the thing.

"Hello hello spirits! Are you there?", Taylor asks. We wait for a moment and all of a sudden it starts moving to yes.

"Oh my shit! Who's doing that freal?", I ask as our hands move along with the peice.

"It reads yes.", Taylor smirks at us and I whimper. Jacob wraps his arms around me and I jump and punch him in the arm.

"Ouch Brandon!", Jacob whines as he rubs his arm.

"Sorry babe! Force of contact!", I giggle and shrug as he puts his hand back on the peice.

"Okay, well um are you a girl or guy?", Mark asks as our hands start moving again and everybody starts to panick.

Well, everyone but Taylor, and I know he's doing this shit so he needs to stop---- "Taylor! Stop playing like oh my balls!", Mark warns Taylor.

"But I'm not moving anything!!!", he says as a joking expression is no longer on his face.

The piece starts moving around again on the board. It's spelling out a word.

"T", we all stated.


"I, N, G, S"







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