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Brandon :
Jacob is taking me, and Mark, and Taylor to the carnival today!😊 Yay!👏🙆 And, it's summer now so that makes it even better! It started a week ago anyway,.... So the carnival starts at 6:30 so we're leaving at like 7:00 and staying till 11:00 cause that's when they call it a day!😊 I call Jacob over since I miss him and I want him to already be here....

Jacob -
I'm taking all of our best friends to the carnival today!!!😊 I was gonna invite Mahogany, Sophia, and Chasity, but they were all busy with there boyfriends and girlfriends.., BUT EITHER WAY I'M STILL EXCITED!!! I drive over to Brandon's house and am welcomed with a huge hug like always.😂💙

Brandon : We had like two and a half hours left till we had to go pick up Mark and Taylor. So we just decided to bake some cookies. We go over to the cabinets and I try to reach the cookie powder and sprinkles in the highest cabinet. All I get was a laugh from Jacob😂😂 and I turn around and pout. He then picks me up by my waist and places me on his shoulders so that my knees are on his shoulders and pushes against the counter so I can reach it.

Jacob: I'm not sure if Brandon noticed that my whole head in in his skirt!!😁😁😅.. But it's okay I guess. Hehehehe 😂😂 He's my boyfrien though for crying out loud. Anyway, I see his pink silky panties that are really pretty. 😍😍 I started breathing really hard that I didn't notice Brandon was talking to me.

Brandon : Baby!! Babe?** Baby what's wrong?? R u ok? Baby!! BABE!!

Jacob : Ugh what? Oh um yeah just daydreaming. What I didn't know was that I was still under his skirt and breathing really hard.

Brandon : Ahehehe.... Jacob that tickles.!!😂😂😂 That's when Jacob almost drops me but quickly catches me in his arms..... We have a little flour war and in the next few minutes we manage to get the whole kitchen covered in flour..😂😂😂

We clean it up and cuddle while watching monsters university. Literally one of the funniest and best movies on the frickin planet. After the movies over we head over to Taylor's house.

Jacob : We finish Monsters University. And head over to Taylor's house.

Brandon : When we get their Mark hops in the car and we hug and talk literally the whole time their.

Taylor : Yep. We're going to the fair today and I'm so excited! Especially Mark who was talkin about it with Brandon the while ride there.❤💚💙😂😂

We get out the car. Mark hops on my back and I give him a piggy back ride over to the gate. Jacob and Brandon walked in front of us and got all of our bracelets to get in. If you had the bracelets, you could ride anything. This should be fun....

Mark : Yayy!!!😁😁. The first ride we went on was the fireball. Literally love that one! I was kinda scared but who gives four fricks?? You only live once right. So yeah we get on there and or wasn't that bad. It was really fun too. But me and Taylor were laughing at the people who were flipping th frick out once the ride had us facing upside down and paused for like half a minute.😅😅.....

Taylor and I went on a lot of other rides. On one ride called the reanessiane. It was really funny when some older dude like in his late 30s was trying to flirt with me!😂😅😁 It was really funny when I told Taylor and he knocked that guy tf out. When we walked out hand and hand some homophobic family gave us dirty glares. I shot a bird at them and wildly made out with Taylor. On purpose tho. Try me bitch......😂😂😂😂

Alright guys there's your update!😅 Hope you guys enjoyed it and liked it.😁😁 ....I know that my schedule has been kinda bumpy since last week but it'll be fine. I will get it back on track in no time. Which means now actually so yeah😅😅. Alright anyway I love you guys and have a great night or day ...and have a great summer MOST IMPORTANTLY!!😂😂❤ Love you guys, bye.❤💙

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