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Jacob : So as we were walking upstairs I noticed a wall, with a lot of pictures, of his family and friends I suppose. Then we made a turn and went in his room. It was a very nice and big room. It had different colored furniture, a queen sized bed, and a lot of pictures and posters and you know, just plain girly stuff... I kinda expected this though.

Brandon : I was kinda nervous on how Jacob would react to my room design but I just kinda brushed it off though. I really hope he likes it. Maybe he won't judge me....

Brandon : So um,.. Do you like my room?. I finally asked him when I saw him looking around. He flashed me a million dollar smile!

Jacob : Um yes actually, I really do😊. It's so unique and far from what I expected. This room is awesome and amazing,. I looked at Brandon, Like You.... I bit my lip and looked down trying to hide the blush rising to my face...

Brandon : I blushed from his complement and went over to him. I lifted his chin with my two fingers and kissed him on his cheek. Thank you. Then I skipped over to my bed and hopped down on it. (A/N : Don't think like that guys...... JK, I probably would have done the same thing😂)

Brandon : I welcomed Jacob over to sit with me and he shyly walked over, so I got up and pulled him by the wrist. And walked him over.

Jacob : I shyly walked over to the bed but soon relaxed when I feel him pull me over there and we sat down. Staring at each other. I felt calm and relaxed when I looked into his pretty brown eyes. (A/N HEY THERE PRETTY BROWN EYES! NO? #SORRYNOTSORRY😂)

Brandon : It meant more than the whole world to me when Jacob looked into my eyes. He had the most beautiful hazel brownish eyes..... It was like looking in a diamond... I soon then remember what we are here for and grab my books and laptop out of my backpack. Jacob then does the same.

Jacob : Soooooo, let's start?

Brandon : Sure, I say smiling back at him...................

<<<<skips to two hours later....>>>

Jacob : Alright, and there. Brandon says as me and him glue down the last picture to add to our background info poster. We both decided to do this early and on a poster because, well it's easier!☺ I then watch Brandon as he sits up more and stares at the project. I took the time to admire the beauty😘👌

Brandon : I could feel Jacob's eyes on me as I am observing the project once more.. I just want to make sure we got everything down correctly. I then look up and smile at Jacob and then I roll up the poster and put it away.

Okay so Brandon will be in regular letters while Jacob will be in bold....💅


So wanna talk to pass time?

Sure, um could I hear about your background story?

Uh sure.. I then go over to Jacob and lay in between his legs since he's up against the headboard.  I lay my head against his chest, and wrap his arms around me. I could hear his heart beating a million miles per second. I then look up to see him smiling down at me.

So, um, I'm 15, which you already know. (A/N I'm pretty sure Brandon's not 15 yet but for the story..,,) I'm a cross dresser and I love flower crowns. I was born( fake b-day cause I don't know when he was born😂 ), I was born, April 25, 2001. I have a very nice family that supports me. Which includes me, my two little sisters and my mom. I used to have my dad but, he passed a year ago struggling with lung cancer. He supported me too. I was born in North Carolina. But, I moved to L.A. when I was 12. You?

OK, um, I'm 15 too. I love joggers and hoodies. I was born in California, but my parents moved here 2 weeks ago. My b-day is Oct. 2, 2001. I have an older sister and older brother, a mom and dad, they all support me too. I love music.

Wow, you're very interesting.

I like to think so. You too by the way.

Thanks... And that's how the rest of the night went. I asked him to stay over for dinner......

So guys?😂 I am so excited for this book. I'm very proud of it!😘👌Ily guys bye!!!!👋😏💚

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