Ch 15

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Brandon : It was finally Friday! Yassss! Christmas Break for us is next week after Monday and Tuesday because we have to take finals.👎😒 'Goodness, I swear school is so extra!' 'Why would we need to take finals when we are already learning too much crap at one time?!', I say slightly frustrated but mostly annoyed. My friends all look at me. 'Same.' Sophia says as she wraps her arms around Ariana who giggles and kisses Sophia's cheek. Idk if their really a thing yet but they would make a cute couple. I smile. 'Samer', Chasity says. 'Samest', Mark shouts as Taylor comes over to my locker. 'What are we all saming about?', Taylor chuckles and cuddles up to Mark. 'Of how school is so extra', Ariana giggles as Sophia whispers something to her and kisses her ear. 'Hey um, HOW BOUT YA'LL STOP FLIRTING IN FRONT OF MY LONELY ASS AND SPEAKING OF WHICH, WHERE'S MY BABY JAKEY!!', I shout as I look around. Mark shrugs. 'Beats meh.', he makes a double chin and hops onto Taylor's back. 'Adios hoes!', Taylor walks to the front doors of the school. 'Yeah, I'm finna go too I guess.', Chasisty states looking down at her phone. She walks away to the bathrooms. I turn to face Sophia and Ariana but they are way to busy flirting. 😒😒

Nevermind. I turn to walk out the school doors and hop in my car. Where could Jacob be? Ima text his ass, see where he at.  I grab my phone and send him a message. I hop in my car and wait for a response.
MyBabyBrandon😽💖 : Hey babe. Just wanted to know why you weren't at school today. ☺

JakeyPoo💘🐻 : I'm sorry honey I've been sick. I've got a small cold but its not that big of a deal. (:

MyBabyBrandon😽💖 : ): Yes it is baby. I missed you. 😙😙😗

JakeyPoo 💘🐻 : So...I'll see you on Monday I guess. Ily.❤

MyBabyBrandon😽💖 : Ily too bb and I'm coming over tho lol!! 😋💖

JakeyPoo💘🐻 : Okay baby.

Jacob : Gosh I'm so sick! That's why I wasn't there obviously. I really miss my baby Brandon! All I've been doing today is blowing my nose and watching Netflix on the couch. I finally hear a knock on the door after I sneezed and blew my nose. I walk up to the door and look through the peephole first. Oh, it's Brandon. I quickly open the door with a tired look on my face. I was kinda drowzy tho. 'Oh no! Baby you really are really sick! I'll go get the noodles!', Brandon kissed my forehead and ran inside with his purse at the door now. I smiled at him for caring so much. I really do love him. I picked up his purse and laid back down on the couch. Stranger Things Season 2 finally came out a month ago and if been binge watching it all the time! I laugh at a funny scene and soon after it's followed by a cough. I frowned and wrapped myself in the covers.

'Noodles are done!', I hear Brandon from the kitchen. 'Okay baby!', I kinda yell and cough after it. And why is it so hot in here? I took off my shirt and and sat up a little bit. Brandon smiled at !e as he made he way to the couch. I smiled back and he sat on my lap. He started feeding me some chicken flavored ramen noodles. Those are my favorite! (A/N: WHERE ALL MY CHICKEN RAMEN NOODLE LOVERS AT!!XD)

'I love you Brandon, so much.', we kiss and I throw the bowl and spoon in the dishwasher.

I wrap my arms around Brandon. 'Hey you wanna cuddle babe?'

'Yeah sweetie let's go!', he grabbed my hand and we snuggled under the blankets.

'Ily', I kiss his forehead. 'Ily2'. Then we drifted off to sleep.

Okay guys so the next chapter is gonna be a special chapter! I'm not spoiling shit so don't even start asking lol!! Love you guys bye! ❤✌

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