Hi Guys!! And sry

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I wrote this like, a month ago but still. 😂😂

So just let me explain for my absent for like the past fourty seven years.:-\

I had got my phone taken away for 4 months since I was apparently "on it too much" 😒😒

But w/e cause I got my phone back a month ago and ive  been kinda chilling from wattpad and getting a few updates in here and there.

I'll update more when I feel like it because lately I've been putting too much pressure on myself. Im glad you guys understand.

And Christmas break is less than two weeks away let's GET ITTT!!!!!😂😂😂 .....But there's some shit called finals that we have to take the last two days and I'm just like fuck that shit bitch!! 😑😑👋👋

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