Chapter 17: The Cure

Start from the beginning

John rolled his eyes as he walked over giving him a cup of tea. "Yes and I have everything under control. I already explained it to you 3 times on the phone this morning! HE CAN HELP US. What part don't you like about that?" John said slightly annoyed that Mycroft kept questioning him. "I'm just making sure this isn't some sorta joke on brother dearest and ends up making him worse." Mycroft said back.

Sherlock kept to himself that morning in his play pen. He would occasionally listen to what they were saying but mostly played with his new pirate ship. He figures what ever Mycroft was saying it had to be boring.

John finally stood up. "You know what if you're soooo worried about your brother then join us. Meet the Doctor for himself." Mycroft put his cup down "You know I think I just might accompany you." John walked over and picked up Sherlock. "Come on, we have big plans today!" John smiled. Sherlock wined a little bit, but held close to John. Whatever this surprise was Mycroft didn't seemed to like it which made him like it.

John held Sherlock in his arms as he walked over and knocked on the box. "Sherlock you're gonna love the inside of this . It's what you would say impossible." John said with a bit of excitement to see his reaction.  Sherlock examined the odd royal blue box. He had never seen it on BakerStreet until now! How did it get there? Why was it there?

The Doctor quickly opened the door and smiled "Sherlock! John! Good morning! Oh I see you brought Sherlock's brother Mycroft! Welcome! I'm the Doctor! Well come in come in! Don't want you to freeze to death out there! It is still rather cold outside!" He said as he let them into the Tardis.

Sherlock little eyes widen as far as they could as they laid upon this place. "It was so small on the outside! But it's bigger on the inside!" He thought to himself as his little mind race. A smile spread across his face looking around in John's arms at this amazing place!

Mycroft as well was blown away by the physics of this place. "How could?....How is this?...." For once in his life he was at a lost for words looking around.

The Doctor smiled seeing the two's  reaction. "I know. Bigger on the inside right? Gets everyone every time! Now, time to make you big again Mr. Holmes!" He said bopping his little nose. "Alright if you'll follow me, we can go to the medical room of the Tardis."

John nodded as he carried Sherlock along as he followed the Doctor through the Tardis with Mycroft not far behind. They passed by many weird rooms, one had all sorts of weird objects inside, the next was a room full of jars of what looked like different jellies and  the last was a swimming pool in a library! Sherlock could help but be amazed at how interesting this place was!

They finally reached the medical room. The room looked like the medical bay in a Star Trek movie, tables all around with high tech computer around each one. Everything around looked so futuristic and definitely not from this era. In the middle of the room was a glass cylinder chamber hooked up with heavy machinery and high tech gear.

The Doctor walked over to the chamber turning the systems on. He looked back at John and Mycroft. "It took me 3 months to make but I think I've done it." He smiled leaving on the machine. John walked over examining it. "How will it turn him back?" John asked.

"I've taken the cure and turned it into a harmless gas. We will sit him inside and let him breathe in the gas. Once he does it should reverse the affects and turn him back to his older self." The Doctor explained.

Mycroft walked over examining the machines and equipment. "How did you figure the cure out? Plus what is the cure, what is it made from or out of?" Mycroft questioned. The Doctor started to explain. While he did John started to explain what was happening to Sherlock.

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