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Happy Reading

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            Eyad entered his room, throwing his body on his bed and closed his eyes. He didn't know what he was trying to do or to prove. He didn't know why he dismissed Sarah's request like that even when he knew he wanted them both to sit and talk, more than her. It was as if when he treated her coldly, his crushed ego returned a little, as if he told her that he was still on his feet even when she refused his love.

The house was quiet, it was relatively late so no one in the house was awake. He got his phone from his pocket and ran his finger through his playlist till he found it. The song that brought him calmness even when it opened his still fresh cut, it reminded him of his rejected love, reminded him of the girl who brought all the emotions in his heart and taught him how to love without even trying, reminded him of the girl he dreamed of his future with when she was planing her own future with someone else, reminded him of the girl that loved someone other than him.

That slow, calming arabic song played and he closed his eyes letting the lyrics be consumed by his  heart and soul.

Eyad sat quietly thinking what could have driven him to this state he was in now, maybe if he was, from the very start, careful and hadn't mixed his feelings, if he was well aware to not fall for his friend, yes, it would've been difficult but maybe if he did control his feelings from the start they wouldn't be in this shitty mess. They would have been happy, he would have been happy.

As he continued thinking, he couldn't find a reason why not to fall for her, she was funny, elegant, plays piano well , they play together well, her eyes would sparkle with purity and happiness, her laughs tugged the strings of his heart and her smile light up his day, with all these thoughts he found himself smiling picturing her doing them, remembering them doing a lot more together. 

He was a fool to fall for her yet he would have been fooler if he hadn't fallen for her!

The song had finished and another played but he was so engrossed in his memories with Sarah.

He remembered that one time when they decided to do something crazy because they were bored, they both agreed to wear worn-out clothes and stand in the middle of a very crowded area then he would play with his guitar and she would sing. They put a small bowl in front of them and thought why not try their luck and see how the bystanders would react.

When they began, they saw how the people at first passed by them with a 'Are they insane' kind of look, then slowly as they continued a group of friends stood watching, then people were crowded around them, clapping and enjoying. To say they were surprised that those people stood and took from their time to listen them doing a not so usual act in Egypt, would be an understatment. Some people even put money in the bowl! After they finished, they looked at each other with a surprised expression. Looking from each other to the little amount of money they got and decided to give it to someone who would benefit from then went on their way home.

Eyad would never forget the look of excitment on Sarah's face after that experience. She was like a child who got too much sugar in their system, her eyes glowed and the wide grin on her lips made her so much more beautiful, he wouldn't forget the stolen looks he took when she was singing with her honey like voice and so much feelings in it.

Long story short she was perfect in his eyes.

Long story short she was perfect in his eyes

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"I'm not perfect, Joey" Sarah said scratching Joey's head lightly. He looked at her and barked softly as if disagreeing. "No one is, baby, I have my flaws. I don't know when he started to have feelings for me, or even why he did, I am not that good, on the contrary, he was an amazing friend any person could ask for, he was always the listener, he was the problem solver, he was everything." she told him as if to convince him.

After she returned home, she sat on her bed and found Joey on her tail, he hopped in her lap and she sat there telling him what had happened.

"I don't know how we reached this state, we were happy one second then the other we were  miles away." she said looking at the empty wall in front of her. "I'm so sad we reached here, so hurt that I hurt him." Joey leaned his small body on her chest as if hugging her, dogs did know when their owners were sad or hurt, right. "I do love him, he is a part of my life, he is a part of me, Joey, no one can replace his place , I don't want anyone to replace him. What should I do to bring him back?" she looked at Joey who was looking at her barking softly when their eyes met. "I wish you could talk." she sighed and closed her eyes diving in a dreamless sleep.

Sarah woke up with a soft patting on her shoulder, she opened her eyes and found her mother smiling softly at her.

"Good morning, Sue, you didn't wake up when your alarm peeped so I came to wake you. You'll be late." her mother explained.

"Good morning, mama, thanks" she sat up and kissed her mother's cheek.

"Get ready , I'm preparing breakfast."

She looked at her side finding Joey still sleeping , she kissed his head and scratched his belly till he barked waking up "Come on, sleepyhead, lets have breakfast." he barked happily  making her laugh.

Here comes another day, another chance to embrace

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Here comes another day, another chance to embrace.

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