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              When the clock ticked 5 o'clock PM Sarah, Omar, Eyad and Lydia began to get ready for their mini late celebration. Lydia was excited to go out with Eyad's friends, she was ignorant about the tension between all three of them, she thought it would be a good environment to make more new friends. On the other hand, Eyad didn't know what made him invite Lydia, he knew she would feel uncomfortable in the not so friendly atmosphere. But maybe because he knew this, he wanted her to be like some sort of support to him. He didn't want to feel alone or like a third wheel between Omar and Sarah, especially that he knew Omar wouldn't miss a chance where he could rub their engagement in his face.

Sarah went to her wardrobe to choose her outfit, her eyes fall on a simple, gorgeous dress and knew she would be wearing it tonight. Since it would be windy at night , the dress was perfect with full sleeves, the floral painting on it and the flowy style , made the dress semi formal complementing the dinner outing they were having. She chose a pair of red heels and simple makeup. Within an hour, Sarah was ready to go. She told Omar that she would be going on her own, she didn't want any commitment tonight or any type of conversation after their dinner would end. She didn't know what to expect out of tonight but she wished it to pass peacefully.

Once Sarah entered the restaurant, she spotted Omar waiting, busy on his phone alone

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Once Sarah entered the restaurant, she spotted Omar waiting, busy on his phone alone. She went to him and they both talked for some time till they spotted Eyad coming with Lydia beside him. To tell they both were shocked would be an understatement. No one knew he would bring a plus one with him. For Omar, it was a relief to know that Eyad had a girl in his mind but to Sarah, she had confusing emotions, she didn't know what she was feeling or how she should feel in this situation.

Looking at the woman beside her best friend, she found her beautiful, she was dressed in simple pale jeans and long sleeved beige blouse. She was simple, elegant and beautiful with her pearly whites that were on full view. Eyad must've said some joke to her that's why she is laughing. Sarah persuaded herself and controlled her composure not to display any of her thoughts but she wouldn't lie the big smile on their face irritated her a little however she chose to dismiss the thought altogether.

 Sarah persuaded herself and controlled her composure not to display any of her thoughts but she wouldn't lie the big smile on their face irritated her a little however she chose to dismiss the thought altogether

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"Good evening" Eyad greeted with a grin "I'd like you two to meet Lydia, my friend." he continued looking at Lydia then back at the couple with the same grin.

"Hi, Lydia" Omar greeted with a smile and forwarded his hand for a handshake in which Lydia did the same welcoming his friendly gestures. "Eyad" Omar then acknowledged with a slight nod.

"Well, hello to you too ,Omar" Eyad replied sarcastically then looked toward Sarah who stood silently staring at Lydia with a foreign look. When she noticed his stare, she cleared her throat and smiled politely.

"Eyad, you didn't say you would bring a company." Sarah said with a fake polite smile as she could master, "Hi! I'm Sarah" she forwarded her hand to Lydia who shook her hand excitedly with a big infuriating smile.

"I'm Lydia"

"Okay, let's sit if we've finished the greetings" Eyad broke their handshake and urged Lydia to sit down. "I wanted to make it a surprise." He continued after,  answering her last question.

"So" Sarah cleared her throat one more time "you know each other, how?" She sent Lydia a friendly smile wanting her to fed her curiosity, knowing Eyad would brush it off.

"We met when he was preparing before going on stage" Lydia looked towards Eyad with a smile in which he returned with a polite one. "He plays wonderfully" Lydia added , Sarah was about to narrow her eyes at them both when the waiter came making her regain her composure one more time. This will be a long night. Sarah thought. Too much for a peaceful dinner.

After ordering their dinner and drinks, Sarah interlocked her fingers, putting her elbows on the table and rested her chin on them , looking at Eyad and Lydia who sat across her.

"Eyad! You didn't tell Lydia about us?" She asked with fake normal face.

"Oh no! We didn't talk about you guys, how could I when I didn't know myself the progress in your relation. Right, Sarah?" Both Eyad and Sarah knew she was talking about them both not her and Omar, Eyad brushed her curiosity off, he did it intentionally knowing she wouldn't clarify in front of Lydia and Omar, he smiled internally at her clenched jaws. He also noticed Omar narrowing his eyes at them.

Eyad knew Sarah too well to know that she wouldn't loose her composure in public, he wouldn't comfort her with his answers, he wouldn't forget that she didn't tell him about her engagement even when part of him knew that he was the one to shut her off and cut all ties, so how could she tell him, however, he just dismissed the thought because he wouldn't admit it out loud that it was his decision in the first place that drove Sarah away.

The night didn't go smoothly as Lydia expected, she felt some tension here and there, she didn't know what was between those three friends or were they friends in the first place, she wanted to ask Eyad and confirm her doubts but she had something inside her telling her not to, as it seemed to be touché case but that didn't mean she would dismiss the thought altogether, she would ask about it indirectly.

When they were about to go on their separate ways, Omar to his car, Sarah to hers and both Lydia and Eyad together, Sarah couldn't prevent herself from turning around to Eyad.

"We need to talk, Eyad, postponing it wouldn't bring us anywhere." He looked at her deep in her eyes.

"Okay, how about this weekend? I have a lot of unfinished business for the week." He said and turned around without another word, walking towards his car. Sarah frowned, he never did that even when work was to his head, he never dismissed her, okay maybe he didn't dismiss her, but still he put their meeting at the end of his list.

Maybe Sarah was selfish but she didn't like how her relation with Eyad had turned, she didn't like his new cold personality and on top of all she didn't like that Lydia.

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Lydia as Emma Robert 😍

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Lydia as Emma Robert 😍

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