
106 13 18

Happy reading

I've made some changes to the plot.😇

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Eyad entered the wedding hall and found the place where Sarah and Omar were sitting and went towards them with a small smile.

"Where were you ? I thought you were following us." Sarah asked worriedly , Omar looked between the two then stood up cutting Eyad before he could even reply.

"Let's go dance , Sarah, everyone is there , and now Eyad comes so you aren't worried anymore, right?" he said , tugged her hand and moved before she could even utter any word of objection. Eyad looked after them and sighed , that's why he hated Sarah being around another guys , he felt left over or like a third wheel.

Sarah was having the time of her life dancing with her friends but when she noticed Eyad's absence , she went to their table ,and found him watching everyone like a hawk with his arms crossed over his chest and a straight face.

"What are you doing sitting here like a 90-year-old man?" she asked with her hands on her hips and raised her brows.

"I'm fine here" he answered curtly.

"Come on, let's dance. Everyone is enjoying this wedding and you sit here doing nothing." she extended her hand for him to take , he started at her hand then looked away.

"I told you I'm fine here" he uncrossed his arms and rested them on the table ignoring her extended palm.

"Why are you so hard headed now?!" Sarah huffed. "Please for me" she gave her best puppy eyes and smiled, when he huffed and stood up from his chair. "That's my boy" she patted his shoulder with a grin.

"I'm not your dog. Now shoo" he rolled his eyes but felt happy that she noticed his absence and insisted he joined her happiness.

They went on the dance floor and into the sea of their dancing friends.

Sarah was looking around her and noticed the secret looks of Monira that she sneaked towards Eyad every now and then and smirked, someone has a crush here, she thought.

She squeezed herself between the crowd of people towards Monia and nudged their shoulders and winked.

"Does someone here have a crush on her childhood friend?" She smiled smugly when Monira's face become red as a hot pepper.

"What are you talking about?" Monira pretended to be ignorant but it was too obvious to go unnoticed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, now Monie , it's not good to lie and pretend." Sarah teased "the boy is handsome don't you think?" She winked liking the embarrassed state of Monira.

"Shut up ,Sarah" she whisper-yelled.

"Why? It's fun to tease you. Girl, you are a foolish one, Why didn't you tell him already, you knew each other since forever." Sarah said now irritated. Why someone must hide their love from everyone and pretend to be cool around that person?. Isn't this foolishness?! Sarah thought.

"It's not that easy, Sarah." Monira sighed. Sarah pushed her out of the dance floor to talk properly in a somewhat calmer place.

"Why?" Sarah asked confused.

"As you said we knew each other for too long to just destroy what we have for a stupid attraction that will go by time."

"How long?"


"How long have you been feeling this stupid attraction ,Monira?" Monira looked at her nails escaping from Sarah's eyes it was obvious that she was lying to herself and she had that feeling for longer than time could erase.

"I'm right, you are lying not to me but to yourself too, that's stupidity, dear." Sarah said "if you are too afraid to tell him I'll do for you, what do you think?" Sarah looked at her with hopeful eyes. She wanted Eyad to have someone who truly loved him and would bring him happiness.

"No, don't tell him." Monira exclaimed, Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Really? Am I talking to myself or what? How would he know?by himself?" Sarah asked with exaggeration, now was her time to play a Cupid.

"Okay, I'll tell him but not now at least I don't think he feel anything towards me and that would be embarrassing." Monira explained.

"You have to risk my dear friend. Maybe he doesn't have feelings now but if you give yourself time he can fall in love with you, just direct him, let him know you love him, let him think about this and maybe, maybe he would like to give you" Sarah pointed to Monira and Eyad who was on the dance floor and continued "a chance" Sarah finished with a kind smile.

After that they went again to the dance floor with the words of each playing in their minds.

Before Sarah went to leave, Monira stopped her and said that she would tell Eyad about her feelings, maybe when she would face her reality it would be easier to move on to the next step either it was with Eyad or not.

Sarah was thinking about that new information all the way home so she was unnaturally silent, Eyad looked at her every now and then but he was exhausted to open a conversation so he let her be, he knew if there was something she would have blurted it already , she wasn't the one to let anything in her mind unsaid.

The next day Sarah was excited when she told Eyad that she wanted to talk with him about something important, he sighed internally, It must be about that Omar boy. he thought, he didn't know what had attracted Sarah to him , he was a self-centered jerk!

Eyad entered the café and found her looking out the huge window wall and smiled , she loved watching people's faces in the streets, she could sit for hours watching them, there was something interesting about the different faces of everyone , some are serious, with frowns , busy talking on their phones , smiling or even laughing with their companions, everyone live in different world in the same world! How magical.

"Would you like to have something, ma'am?" Eyad said with tough tone making Sarah spin in her seat laughing.

"Oh yes, please boy bring me my usual" she said playing along with him.

"Here you go" he extended his hand with her hot chocolate earning an excited smile from here , making his insides happy. He loved to make her happy and see her excited face as if he was treating a small child not a grown up woman.

"The same face every time, won't you get used to this?" He said dragging the opposite chair away from the table with his foot and sat down.

"The same comment every time, won't you get tired of this?" She mocked with raised eyebrows.

"Okay you win" he smiled.

"Sure I do" she said smugly and he shook his head in amusement. Every minute with Sarah was refreshing even after all those years they knew one another.

"So you wanted to talk about?" He sipped on his Turkish coffee.

"Omar" she said excitedly and he looked out of the window with an unheard sigh. That man got on his nerves from the very first sight. "He wanted to take me out for dinner in two days." she continued making him look at her again.

"And you want me to tell your mother some lame excuse to let you meet him without scaring him off with her overprotective self on you. Right?" he said in a bored tone. It wasn't the first time after all.

"Yeah, that's absolutely right. So you will take me to the meeting place and he will drop me off." she said with an innocent smile that contradicted the not so innocent plan. he huffed.

"No, I'll come to take you then drop you off afterwards." he said hating himself for accepting, one more time, her terrible plans.

"You are the best." she sent him a wide grin making him hate himself more.

God, help me with this woman.

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