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Happy reading

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           As Lydia said , eyes are the mirror of someone's soul. If you look in anyone's eyes and could read them , you are truly gifted. Although reading a persons' eyes is not a hard task to do, not all people are gifted with such sense. Not all people could know when the one in front of them was happy, sad or in love. That's why we should know our powers and use in right.

Lydia and Eyad spent that night talking about anything and everything that came in their minds, however, they didn't get too much personal. It was a heart to heart conversation but suitable for the first meeting of two individuals who just knew each other. They talked about their likes , dislikes, profession , hobbies, ...etc. Lydia was careful not to ask him about that someone who filled his mind but worked on getting his mind off things. And she was successful. She even made him sing a song to her.

"So you say you like to play the guitar and to sing ,right?" She said not waiting for a reply "why don't you sing whatever your heart desire and entertain me in this peaceful night?" He looked at her contemplating whether he should sing or not. "Don't think a lot, just let your heart sing." and just like that he did let his heart sing, even when he sang with a different language and she didn't know the meaning of the lyrics, she felt what he his heart said.

When Eyad entered his room he wasn't loaded as before, he was happy and carefree. It was a fantastic night. Lydia proved herself to be a good listener and a funny talker. It was hard mixture but she pulled it off just right. She really was gifted in the arts of communication. She was the ideal friend anyone could ask for and he considered himself lucky to cross paths with her.

In another place, Sarah and Omar were in a place that made Sarah's heart lighter and happier. When Omar pulled her with no explanation he knew that only one thing could get her mind off of things going on in her life. he brought her to his studio where he had a piano, guitar, and other musical instruments he needed in his work as he was a melodist and normally he used different instruments to test a melody , also sometimes he had people with him to play his melodies as he worked on their lyrics.

 he brought her to his studio where he had a piano, guitar, and other musical instruments he needed in his work as he was a melodist and normally he used different instruments to test a melody , also sometimes he had people with him to play his me...

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Whenever Sarah wanted or whenever Omar created a new piece of art they would go to his studio just like now in there , Sarah sat on the piano chair and Omar stood beside her, creating symphonies , flying in their worlds. isolating themselves from the external world. Anyone who knew Sarah , knew how music meant to her , it was her stress reliever , and bubble of happiness so they always knew how to make her happy. As much as this thing being known was a reliever to others and easier for them , it was a bad thing as no one would try to think and surprise her with different ideas.

Sitting there with closed eyes and flying fingers on the piano keys, Eyad's face popped in front of her eyes. Whenever they had a fight he would call , tease, or even come to her house to end this fight. He was a believer that time destroy things not mend them. He would always tell her 'When you have a fire , you don't sit and watch it burns everything into ashes , you only have to pour water on it to cool off'. Many people believe that if two individuals had a fight , letting the angry one to cool off first then talk would be the wise solution but Eyad always said that this theory was nonsense. However here he was doing the nonsense. He pushed her out and went away not giving her a chance to mend what they once had.

Even though Sarah knew that his decision was wise enough from his part and only fair for him, she still didn't like how he cut all ties with her. He even didn't answer her calls ,or to be more precise, he closed his phone to cut any chance with her to contact him directly.

The music around her stopped making her conscious to her surrounding so she opened her eyes to see Omar looking at her with confused look.

"Why did you stop?" She asked

"It's me who should ask this. You stopped suddenly so I was waiting for you to come from your daydreams." He explained which surprised her, she didn't know that her fingers stopped playing the piano , she was so lost in her thoughts that her body reacted on its own. She lost control over her senses.

"Sorry, I don't know when my hands stopped." she gave him a small smile and stood from her chair.

"You look tired , let me drive you home to rest." She gave him a look he couldn't read but nodded her head walking in front of him towards his car. He opened the car with his remote and she got in without saying a word till they were in front of her house.

"See you?" It was more like a question from Omar, she was hard to understand these days and her calmness was messing with his head, he didn't know how to approach her anymore.

"We will talk." She shrugged with no eagerness in her eyes like she used to be , making it harder for him to know what the problem with her was so he gave her a nod, giving her some time to rest for now and drove off leaving her looking at his fading car. She sighed , turned around and entered her house.

There was something off with her but Omar didn't try to make her better, or maybe he tried but it wasn't hard enough for her because she still felt something was not right.

This thought made her ask herself if he was like that all the time or was it just her imagination. Or maybe she was expecting something from him more than just playing piano in his studio with him. Then that thought surprised her too, it was always her fun time to play piano with him playing the violin making his melodies more lively. She was always excited and eager to be in the same place as Omar. Then what was the problem now? Why was there something missing even when she was with him?

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