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Happy reading

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               Sarah was nail polishing her hand and feet while a gossip talkshow was playing on the TV. She was getting ready for her friend's wedding tonight.

Sarah was known for her elegant style and innocent look. Her face was of a teen even in her 24 year old self. She had a lovely smile , personality and face. All in one like some said, she was a popular person in her crowed.

Suddenly the bottle of nail polish fall from her hand messing her floor up when her puppy jumped over her lap.

"Now look, Joey, you messed everything up. What should I do with you now?" She scolded him lightly scratching his tummy making him bark cutely. How could she get mad at that face?

"Someone needs attention, huh?" She kissed his paw and he barked again making her smile

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"Someone needs attention, huh?" She kissed his paw and he barked again making her smile. She bend to fix the mess her lovely dog made when..

"Someone needs to be ready now!" a voice startled her making her mess everything up again.

"Someone can't finish getting ready here" she huffed under her breath narrowing her eyes at Eyad for interrupting her.

One look at her , the messed up floor and the patches of polish on Joey's fur he raised his hands in surrender. He needed to go now and he knew it.

"Okay okay. Come quick, Joey, let's escape before all hell breaks loose in here with your angry mommy." he carried the puppy quickly but still she threw a pillow at him almost making him lose his balance.

His laughter and Joey's barks made her mother came out from the kitchen.

"What now?" She narrowed her eyes at the puppy's fur then at Eyad with her hand on her hips waiting for an explanation.

"I think someone messed up her floor" he smiled scratching Joey's head lovingly making him bark again.

"Oh! Let her calm then. Come drink coffee with me." Gehan said laughing. She knew how much her daughter was a clean freak, and Sarah would be untouchable till the room was clean and tidy again. Her mother was happy with this trait though. What mother wouldn't,right?

Gehan loved Eyad as a son , from the first day at primary school , he and Sarah hit it off and became best of friends especially that those two loved music.  So, yeah, he was part of their family too with his frequent visits and sugar coated tongue to elders. Smart boy ;)

Eyad and Sarah studied together music , she was a pianist while he was a guitarist, they played together a lot , with their friends too and sometimes in small shows and occasions.

Eyad was like a brother to Sarah they shared a lot of things , he can sit for days listening to her talk and solve her problems like they were his. He knew all about her crushes even the ones who not even her real siblings knew about. He was a listener, patient and lovable.

"I'm ready" Sarah made her appearance and took their breath away , she was as always elegant and simple with natural touch of makeup.

"And finally, the queen has arrived" Eyad teased with a twinkle in his eyes that meant to her he approved her attire but who knew what it really meant!

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"And finally, the queen has arrived" Eyad teased with a twinkle in his eyes that meant to her he approved her attire but who knew what it really meant!

"Let's go, bye mama" she blow a kiss to her mother ignoring what Eyad had said "bye, joey, I'll give you a bath when I come back" she scratched the dog's head and went out. Eyad shook his head and cleared his throat and gave her mother a smile then went out. Sarah will never change. he thought and entered the car with a warm smile.

"How was your day?" He asked and as if a tap was opened she began talking nonstop like water flowing till they arrived the hotel where the wedding was held. From time to time he would look at her and see her moves and reactions , she talked like a child would, with her hands and all her body, telling him all the things she did and he gave her a smile from time to time.

That was the girl who grew up with him , she loved to tell him about her day and he loved to listen to it with no complaints. Seeing her happy made him happy too.

"That's till Mr. Joey came and messed up the room and I didn't want to scream my head off or the poor thing would be horrified but that was my favourite bottle of nail polish and that too fall on my favourite carpet , what can I do with that naughty puppy, he loves to mess everything up and gets on my nerves" she sighed and he couldn't contain the grin that spread on his lips.

"I'll bring you another one stop being a drama queen."

"Oh really now I'm the drama queen , who cried his eyes out when I first brought a dog?" She raised her brows at him.

"For God's sake that was a long time ago I was like 10" he rolled his eyes.

"12 but Still" he shook his head, she would never stop reminding him of that awful day. She brought a dog as tall as he was and expected him to give the dog a hug.

"Get out" he shooed her from the car when they arrived and she rolled her eyes.

"That's so ungentlemanly." She said but went out anyway. "I'll wait for you" she called after him and went to the entrance of the hotel.

Eyad took a breath and locked his car , he didn't hear her when she said she would wait for him so he was surprised to see her tapping her heeled feet on the floor impatiently.

"You know how much these things are pain in the back ,right? What took you so long?" She glared at him after pointing at her heels.

"No one told you to wear them" he teased her "Oh yes , you are a dwarf so you have to" he grinned widely when she glared at him more for calling her a dwarf.

"Stop being such a jerk" the look on her face was too cute to take as an angry face so he pressed his lips together and continued walking, with Sarah muttering under her breath like a spoiled child making him smile softly at her. How could someone manage to be adorable even when angry? He wondered.

"Sarah!" A voice cut them from what they each were doing, and by the change of Sarah's posture he knew who called without even focusing on the voice.


"Omar, hi" she said with a timid voice making Eyad scoff. She was calling him a jerk few seconds ago now she turned into a complete sweetheart.

"You're late , let's get in , the party is on fire" he smiled and she gave Eyad a look that she would go , with a secret smile on her face in which he returned by a small one.

Eyad stood a minute alone rocking on his heels after Sarah and Omar went together then entered the hall.  That would be a long night.

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