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               Once Sarah entered her home, she found the scene she loved the most. Her mother, sister, brother and Joey sitting together watching a movie on the TV , she always loved to jump in between them and they would enjoy the day but she felt so down to sit with them. She greeted them and went to her room but Joey followed her as if he knew something was off with her. Pets always feel their friend's emotions. Why couldn't humans be like pets? life would have been easier.

"Change and come sit with us" she heard her mother say while closing her door but didn't reply.

When she didn't come out, her brother stood up to go and bring her, after all, he felt something was off with her, also, it wasn't her habit to leave their gatherings and stay alone in her room.

"Knock, knock" Adham said popping his head in her room. She rolled her eyes.

"Idiot, I told you to knock before entering, what if I was changing" she huffed, punishing his arm.

"I did" he said with innocent tone and she shook her head.

"Saying 'knock , knock' while entering is not knocking, dear brother" she rolled her eyes at her brother's antic.

"Don't say it, it isn't?" He mocked a shocked face and both of them laughed. "Anyway, why didn't you come out?"

"I don't feel like watching a movie" she shrugged.

"And when was the last time that we did?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Let me correct it 'I don't feel like gossiping about the actors in a movie'" she said making air quotes.

"What happened today, spill the beans." he sighed.

"I had a fight with Eyad, okay ,it wasn't a fight but he is angry with me" she blurted looking at Adham through her lashes.

"And what did you do this time?" He said expectantly.

"I didn't ..." With the look on his face she sighed "about Omar. You know he isn't fond of him" she said half the truth now wasn't the time to tell him about Eyad's feelings for her.

"Uff, it gets boring , don't you think?" Adham said , They always argue about this. He thought.

"Yeah and I think so" she shrugged.

"Now forget about this and come watch a movie with us"

"When was the last time that we watched a movie?" She mocked his voice and he rolled his eyes.

"I don't squeak like that" he hold her from the back of her tee shirt's collar and dragged her out and joey just followed them barking his lungs out with his tail dancing like a leaf on a tree in the winter.

They sat down with him still holding her by the collar and she huffed.

"Now leave me, I'm not a thief" their mother shook her head with a smile. Those kids would never grow up.

Joey jumped in front of the TV and all of them laughed. That dog!

Sarah leaned her head on her sister's shoulder who was leaning on their mother's chest , Joey cuddled with Adham after he got him away from the screen, all watching the movie. It was a perfect scene for any person in this planet. A family gathering always moves a soft nerve in anyone's heart.
Their night was spent like that , it was the best part about the weekend, no work , no responsibilities, nothing, just them enjoying their gathering, eating and laughing.

The sadness in Sarah's heart faded with her family, their laughter, their jokes and their warm cuddles. she looked at their faces one by one and thought about how grateful she was to have that close connection with them. At some points in her life she wished her father was also there with them to share their gatherings , happy and sad days. His death affected her the most, she was so attached to him to forget any detail about him. He always took her with him wherever he went, they went shopping for the houses' supplies , sometimes she went with him to his work- he taught her how to play the piano- even went with him to the barber. How I miss you now ,dad! she thought but she knew he was watching them from above.

Always when the person is sad or hurt they remember the closest person to their heart who died or is away for any kind of reason , they think that if that person was there with them things would be different , would be better but that is the most ridiculous trick our minds could play us with.

why?! because that person is not really here and if they were, nothing would've changed because these things are meant to be that way , even more, maybe when that person is actually here their reaction can be harsher than what we think ,it's like our minds just draw a perfect image to the situation we are in and want any reason to convince us that it isn't perfect because that person is not here. What a trick! What a torture!


Sarah woke up the next day with Joey barking her ears off. That dog is a pain in the butt sometimes. Joey barked louder.

"Opps I said that out loud, sorry Joey, you know I love you." She scratched his head and stood up from her bed towards the kitchen. Her mother was boiling water for her tea and Sarah went on her tiptoes then..

"Good morning" she said in her mother's ear making her squeal.

"God, you'll be the death of me, Sarah. Grow up." Her mother scolded lightly and Sarah rolled her eyes. Same line every single time from the first day of my existence. She muttered under her breath. Sarah took a toast and spread strawberry jam on it. her mother stood looking at her.

"Why aren't you talking? something took place yesterday , right? tell me I'm you mother" Gehan inquired.

"What are you? a detective in the FBI , mama." Sarah joked, but when Gehan didn't reply she sighed.

"Nothing. I'm good." she wash her hands in the kitchen sink and turned to go out "I have to go now. see you"

"Okay, I'll let you be this time. When you feel like telling me , I'm always all ears for you, habbti." Gehan said softly rubbing her daughter's shoulder. Even when she knew she was a mother to three adults, it was hard to see them as adults till that day. They always would be her little children, that she fear any bad thing would happen to them. She knew sometimes you just want to have your time before telling anyone what was really bothering you and she respected her children's private life but would always be there to hear them with open arms to threw themselves in.

Sarah went to get ready , looking at herself in her mirror. He will come around. We don't fight for long. We can't. She held her chin high and went out to begin her day.

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