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Happy reading

Sad chapter 💔

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               Eyad was thinking about what he had said to Sarah the night before, he was stupid to pour his heart out like that to her but he was fed up to the point were he didn't think of the consequences like he did all these years they knew each other, all these years he loved her. Being lost in his thoughts a friend of his approached him cutting the chain of his thoughts.

"Hey, man, what's up?" Ammar -his friend- greeted.

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"You know what about me! the question is 'what about you?' you thought about the offer or still cooking it in you brain?" Ammar raised his eyebrows.

Eyad sighed then "Yes, I thought about it. I'm in."

"Not quite the excitement I predicted but still a good news for me. So I'll fly now to tell the boys , I'm waiting for you tomorrow morning, 9 o'clock sharp." Amman said walking away then shouted "9 Sharp , Eyad, you hear me." with that he disappeared leaving Eyad with a heavy heart alone. That's the right thing to do. He assured himself.

Sarah decided that she would leave Eyad for some days to cool off then she would approach him and they would talk like adults do. Easy thing!  But when was our life predicted, and easy, when did it go as we plan? Usually something must happen and make a big plot twist in our real life story. 

Sarah was working on her piano when she heard two colleagues talking about Eyad, or to be specific about Eyad's shocking plans. Eyad took a long vacation from work and no one knew when he would return , it was an open vacation. He would travel and leave everything behind.

"What the hell are you doing?" That was Sarah's words when she stormed into Eyad's studio. With a bang of her bag on his desk , he looked at her calmly. He looks hopeless. She thought.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Is it true? what I heard. You are traveling?" she said with a weak voice. "you are traveling and didn't bother to tell me?"

"It was a last minute decision."

"So, were you planning to tell me, at all?" he sighed and she knew the answer.

"Ammar and Mayar are making a new band , they got an offer to do tours in a number of hotels around the country and they wanted a guitarist so they told me and I'll go work with them."

"A tour! how long?"

"Six months maybe more."

"Six months?" she asked surprised.

"Minimum six months." he stressed.

"You think that is a tempting offer to leave your permanent job for?" she inquired.

"It's okay. That's why I studied ,remember? to be a guitarist. So what is the difference between permanent and temporary?" he shrugged.

"You never thought like this!"

"But this time I did, Sarah." He replied calmly.

"Are you escaping from me?" she asked softly." he looked at her then to the other side. "You are escaping from me that you don't want to stay in one city with me, right?"

He looked at her with a ghost of a smile "Right. Right, Sarah" she looked at him and he looked at her, both were broken and sad for there lost relation. How could their strong bond be broken within a day and night? How could it be broken because one of them had crossed a line? One line and their relation ,that continued for years, couldn't forgive and move on. Their staring competition broke when someone called for Sarah.

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