The Truth Comes Out

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Possesive do of for a mate: The truth comes out

"There's nothing to talk about" I said hoping he would leave me alone about this but looks like I was wrong.

"I told my uncle" he said. "He said he already new by the way we act around each other.

"Why would you tell him a lie Xan we are not mate remember I rejected you" I told him trying to get up but failed when he pushed me back down.

"Like I said I didn't accept it so it didn't work so we are still mates wether you like it or not" he said getting a little close. Close enough that his breath was fanning face.

"Would you like to get off my sister or do I have to put you off" I heard my brother said looking scary as fudge.

I didn't even know Xan was straddling me until now.

"Sorry I just had to talk to her about something" he said to Ben and climbing off me.

"And our conversation is not over ill see you Tommorow at school" was all he said before walking out the door.

"Can you tell me what the hell happen when I passed out" I asked my brother when he sat down and hand me a glass of blood.

And no it's not human it's animal we aren't that mean to humans.

"We'll after you passed out I told Jeremy that you passed out cause you didn't had enough to drink this morning but I guess Xan told him about you guys being mate and told me to bring you home and to Xan to come with to make sure your ok" he said make more sense.

"Well go to bed cause we start high school tommorrow morning

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