Fainting cause of the word mate

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Adriana POV

when i was done using the bathroom i kept on thinking about what Xan meant when he said that he didn't what to reject me even tho he said he didn't want a leech as a mate. I Swear these werewolves are gonna give me a headache. 

when i got downstairs i seen my brother talking to Jeremy and Nate and Jake play fight and Xan glaring at me like i had killed his pet fish( which i think he still has since i can smell the tank of the fish). Since the guys were play fighting the only seat tat was left was the one right next to xan which i wasn't gladly to take cause of his sour attitude.

"Adriana how old are you" Jeremy said ending the conversation that he had between him and my brother.

"I'm 16 but imma turn 17 soon" is said feeling selfconsion about my age probably being the youngest in this room.

"so you ll be in sophomore then" he said 

" and Ben will be a senior" he said turning to Ben

"umm me and my sister cant be separated" Ben said looking embarrassed to say this i would to if i were him.

"why is that" Jeremy said looking confused

"our mom asked a witch to cast spell on us so we can never be separated so we wont get into danger" i said remembering when she brought us their. i was only 6 months old

"oh OK well then looks like you gonna be in a sophomore class starting Monday" Jeremy said to me.

"now do any of you guys have mate" was the last thing Jeremy said before i passed out.

you might call it weird that a vampire had passed out cause some one mention the word mate but it is not cause the reason i passed out was because i didn't have enough to drink this morning. So when i came too i was laying on a couch and was looking at 3 different people faces. 

i knew we had left Jeremy house cause i can only smell the stench of a mutt just a little bit. when i decide to sit up i was looking at the face of Xan.

"We need to talk" was all he said and i knew what we were going to talk about us being mates.

someone shoot me now!!!

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