New Mates And People

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Valdimir POV :

As soon as I left the room I knew I liked Adrian but I knew she didn't like me back and I was fine with that. Their was another thing I found my mate but I knew she didn't want me cause she mated with Xan. The day we came for Xan mating party I seen her but she was all in love with him and when she saw me she look horrid.

"Have you seen Xan " I heard someone say behind me, when I turned around to see who it was it was my mate Emma she looks like she's been crying for hours.

"He's upstairs with Adrian " I told her and when I did she looked so sad like she was about to cry any minute from now.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you, I was in love with Xan or at least I thought I was. I was afraid of being your mate cause my parents were killed by vampires and I'm just sorry "she said before crying. I couldn't help but to wrap my arms around her and hold her,I can tell she was hurt by the way she is right now.

"Its fine Emma I forgive you " I told her lifting her head up by her chin and looking her in her eyes, I couldn't help but kiss her I don't know why but the vulnerable look she held in her eyes, just as I was about to kiss her Max had to ruin the moment.

"Ayye I see you Vald you found your mate, I think or is it just a hit and run " he said coming up to me patting my back.

"Max this is my mate Emma, Emma this is Max he's the beta of our pack " I said to them introducing them to each other.

"Now it's only me and you Max, were gonna be forever lonely " Ben said coming down the stairs wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"But congratulations man " Ben finished before me and him did that manly hug.

Adrian POV:

After the whole agreement with me and Xan I told him to leave so I can be able to think a little but that took more convincing for him to leave. When he finally left all I kept on thinking about was all the hurt he put me through but I was able to forgive him so fast.

"Something wrong with me " I said to myself a little to loud.

"Nothing wrong with you, your just confused "a strange voice said.

I looked up to see who it was and it was a tall dude, he had short black hair and tan skin he was build to but not as build as Xan.

"Who are you " I asked trying not to be mean.

"I'm lucas, Lucas Mayfield and I wanted to ask you something " Lucas said coming by the end of the bed sat down

"I wanted to know if I can be able to join your pack, the Red Dawn Pack " he finished.

"Nice to meet you Lucas I'm Adrianna but you can call me Adrian since I'm accepting you into my pack "I said sitting up a little more.

"Well Adrian where's the rest of the pack " he said fiddling with the end of the blanket

"There probably down stairs, come on I'll bring you to them " I told him getting off the bed but almost falling but Lucas caught me before I can even touch the floor.

"Be careful " he said to me before wrapping his arm around my lower back and lifting me up bridal style and bringing me down stairs.

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