Teasing Isn't Fun

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After the whole thing with Adrian down stairs my uncle brought me up to his office and I knew I would either end up leaving injured or having to apologize to adrian.

"What did you do Xan " He said to me when he closed the door.

"I just apologize for marking my true mate and not her " I said like it was nothing but I knew I shouldn't have said that cause the look on his face could kill.

"You call that whore a true mate xan, I didn't raise you to reject your REAL mate for a slut, I raised you to love your mate not put her through hell " he said to me before pacing back and forth.

"Why do you care she's a vampire I thought you don't like vampires "I told him sitting down in a chair in front of him.

"Xan she's your mate I can't change that but you have to realize something " he said to me getting up and going to the door.

"What?" I asked wanting to know what so important about her.

"She's your mate and sooner or later your gonna get hurt badly and your gonna need her their to help you heal faster " he said before he left. I don't know if it was what he said or it was my stupid wolf but all I felt was emptiness and loneliness but I had to push those feelings away I had a new mate and I was happy with my choice or at least I think I am..

Arianna POV

"I hate that kid I swear of his uncle wasn't there I would of ripped his head off and used it as a candle " I said to the boys while pacing in front of them.

"I can help you if you want ?" my brother said getting up and giving me a hug .

"Aww that's sweet but I would rather hurt him my self " I said before jumping on my bed

"Maybe you could tease him and make him want you back " Max said

"Omg Max your a genius " I said before getting up and kissing him on the cheek leaving a red kiss mark.

"Your welcome, now go take a shower while we go choose your outfit " max said to me pushing me to the bathroom.

45 minutes later ΩฯΩฯΩ

"Ouch " I said for the 100th time, Ben was flatting my hair or at least trying too.

"Ouch, if you don't stop pulling my hair I will show everyone that naked baby picture of you " I told him getting ready to hit him any moment now.

"I'm done, no need to be mean " he said before making me look into the mirror. When I tell you I didn't know I look this good I'm tell you the truth, my hair was in curls and it suits my outfit a black and white mixed corset with white jeans and a pair of heeled boots. (Picture above minus the cardigan)

"Dam you look hot " Vladimir said to me looking me up and down.

"Thanks "I said feeling uncomfortable

"Now all you need to do is make him jealous and make him want you " Max said to me

"I'll help with that " Vladimir " said before putting his arm around my waist.

"Now let's go " Ben said walking through the door first followed by max then me and Vladimir. When we got down stairs everyone was there even Xan. Everyone turned around and when they did they wouldn't look away, the boys look at me with hunger while the girl look at me with envy but when I looked at xan the look in his eyes were lust, hunger and wanting.

"Everyone out " Xan said in his alpha voice making everyone scatter even my pack, I'm gonna get them for leaving me.

"What do you want " I asked when I seen Xan walk up to me slow, taking in every inch of me.

"Something that belongs to me " Was all he said before grabbing my wrist in one hand lifting it over my head and grabbing my thigh and lifting it up to his waist.

"I'm not your remember " I whisper in his ear making him growl, dam his wolf is out.

"Your mine!!" was all he said before he started kissing my neck nibbling, sucking, bitting but before I can even doing anything or make a sound he pulled back. When I realized what just happened I glared at him.

"Teasing isn't fun now is " he said before pecking me on the lips and walked away.

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