Night Of My Life

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Unknown POV :

I've watched there pack for a long time now and I see that they have been getting bigger maybe even stronger but the one that has everyone heart was that beautiful girl Adrianna Widow, she doesn't know how powerful she is but once the war starts she will soon find out.

Adrian POV :

As soon as we got in the car I was fast asleep I guess cause of the pain medication I took before I left but when I woke up I was in my room I can tell cause of the poster of Nick Jonas I had on my wall.

"Good to see you've woke up sleeping beauty " someone said making me turn to see who it was but ended up falling on my face.

"Aren't you a klutz " I looked up to see it was Lucas. God I'm always embarrassing myself in front of him.

"Mind helping " I said to him but right before I can even finished I was already up on my feet.

"Come on " he said to me grabbing my arm and pulling me out my room and down the stairs.

"Where are we going " I asked not sure if I can trust him that much to take me out alone during the night.

"Curiosity killed the cat, you know that " he said smirking in my direction. I didn't know if I should be running or screaming bloody murder but I choose something else, I followed him.

We where walking for a very long time and my feet started to hurt. For a vampire I was very unfit.

"We are here " Lucas said bringing me out of my thoughts. When I looked up it was a park but with lights and people in dress wear dancing. I felt kinda under dress noticing I was just wear a tank top and some shorts while the other girls were wearing beautiful dresses.

"Don't do that, you look beautiful just the way you are. You don't need to change " Lucas said to me coming closer I would of liked it but something in my stomach made me not feel so good. 

"How did-" I started but was interrupted but him

"I can read minds, don't use it a lot just on beautiful girls, like you. Now if you don't mind would I please have this dance " Lucas said to me putting his hand out for me. I accepted his hand and he brought us to the middle of the dance floor, when we got there a song began playing but it wasn't in English but I had a wonderful beat to slow dance to.

"This song is in Spanish, I'll show you how to dance to it " Lucas said putting his arm around me and lifting our intertwined fingers and started to dance at first I didn't get it but at the end I ended up getting it.

"How " I asked him wondering how he would know what he's saying and how to dance it.

"My father is from Spain, so I can understand some words " he said before twirling me.

"Lucas this is the night of my life " I told him when he pulled me back into him.

Hey guys sorry no Xan but next chapter I promise and for the song I picked it cause of how beautiful it is and I thought it would fit perfectly in this scene. You guys might not understand but I'll post the lyrics up in English soon. 

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