The False Mark

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When I woken up from that black out I was in my room I think the room was painted black like mine but the smell was different.

"The smell is different cause your in my room. Your brother brought you here after you fainted" Vald said to me sitting at the end of the bed

"Thanks uh where is my brother anyway" I said siting up

"He's at your house getting ready and getting your clothes" he said

"Getting ready for what" then it hit me Xan and his 'Mate' are gave a party before he marks her

"Do we have to go" I said to him not really wanting to go

"Yeah we have to since we are a new pack, we have to show our kindness" he said getting up and going to his closet to get some cloths and went to the bath room

"Adrian you up" Ben yelled coming the stairs

"Yeah" I said opening the door for him

"Good now go change we leave in a hour" Ben said tossing me some cloths and my make up bag

~1 hour later~

Just as I finish putting in my finish touch on my make up my brother open the door

"Adrian hurr- woah you look hot" Ben said

"That's gross and I'm ready" I told him looking at my self in the mirror. I'm wearing a tight fitted black dress that goes above my knees and blood red heels and my hair is straighted. I had added a couple of red extentions to Match my oulfit more

"Let's go" was all he said before walking out the door.

When we had gotten to there pack house every one was looking at us but when any of the unmated boys wolf called at me the boys were the ones to make them shut up.

"Now that our guess have arrived lets have my nephew and his real mate come on the stage, Adrianna Widow and Xan Black" Jeremy had said looking straight dead at me

"Uh Jeremy me and Xan rejected each other" I told him

"We'll then who is he marking if it is not his mate" Jeremy said sounding kinda pissed

"My real mate Emma and I had already marked her" Xan said showing people that he had really marked Emma. Soon after he did I felt a pain in my chest, it felt like a thousand pounds crushing my heart. Everything felt so numb like I can't feel anything

"Adrian are you ok" max said looking worried

"She'll be fine, she'll get through it as long as it doesn't kill her" Xan said to Max

"Xan stop this right now or else" Jeremy demanded him too

"Or else what" Xan said egging him on

"Or else I will kick you out of this pack and band you from every seeing Emma or even daylight" Jeremy said and ladies and gentalmen he had offially scared the crap out of me. When he said that everyone was quite and looking at Xan for a replie but all he did was turn around and walked into the house.

"Adrianna are you ok" Jeremy asked me

"I don't know my heart still hurt of pain" I told him. To be honest it really did, I didn't think rejection would hurt this bad.

"Maybe we would go back to the house" Vald said to Jeremy before picking me up bridal style

"That's to far stay here I have extra guest room. I don't want Adrian to be hurting to much" Jeremy said to the guys

"Fine, can you show us our rooms" Vald said sound scary as shit but not as scary as Jeremy.

When we got inside the house we had followed Jeremy to our rooms

"Maybe my nephew will mark his true make instead of slut he doesn't know how important you are to him and to the world " Jeremy said before tell us were our bed rooms were. And that very night I couldn't sleep

1) Cause of the pain
2) Cause of what Jeremy said about me

Possessive Dog for a MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora