The Truth

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Ben POV :

"What do you mean she's gone lucas, where is she " I asked him before grabbing his collar and pushing him on the wall. The look on his face looked like he didn't want no one to get hurt but I cant, he let my little sister get taken on his watch and I promise to protect her no matter what.

"Lucas what is his name " I asked him setting him down, Letting him be more calm.

"His name is Nick Taylor, he's a vampire that rules all the demons and vampire that live off of human beings " he said looking down, looking like he was about to break any moment.

"What did he promised you " Max ask him finally speaking up.

"He promised to save my sister, she was bit by a demon and a vampire. That doesn't go to well with werewolf blood so he promised to save her if I get him Adrianna his soon to be wife " he said shedding a tear.

"Well get her back but we might need help " Valdimir said

"Help from Who? " Lucas asked

"Xan and his pack " Valdimir said.


When I got to there house I noticed that I didn't sense Adrianna president nor did I smelt her scent. As I walked to the door I can smell another scent that didn't belong to anyone in the house, As I was about to knock on the door it was flung open by Ben looking kinda pissed.

"What are you doing here " Ben asked me.

"My uncle needs your help for the war, he needs you guys to come and join us. Why ? What happened " I said to him.

"Adrianna is missing or taken by Nick " Ben said and when I did I swear I seen a black figure before I blacked out.

Possessive Dog for a Mateحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن