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The loft is quiet. Magnus is with a client, Lydia is out on a double lunch date with Maia, Jace, and Simon, and Pandora is spending the day with her grandpa Luke, grandma Maryse, and uncle Max. Alec is working on some mission reports when he feels a familiar warmth envelop his crotch. He groans and checks his diaper, finding that it's not too wet for it to bother him yet. He gets up and walks to the other side of the room, putting a few things on Lydia's desk for when she comes home. He starts to walk back to his desk before he squats a bit involuntarily, filling his diaper without being able to protest it first. His hand goes to cup the back of his diaper, you can't see or smell it due to the diaper itself but he can feel it.

"God fucking damnit." He's alone so there's no one around that can help him. He goes to his desk and tries to just work until someone gets home, he even considers calling his sister to come help him out. Luck just doesn't seem to be on his side today, a message on his phone tells him that he is needed immediately at the Institute. He groans and heads in, hating the feeling of the mess between his legs. A Shadowhunter Alec hadn't seen before approaches him, he seems very hyper.

"Hello, sir! I was just transferred to your institute. My name is Jacob Torrance!" "Welcome, allow me to show you around." Alec does everything he can to ignore the feeling of his own waste being pressed to his skin, especially when it starts to get irritated. He knows he's going to have a rash, especially since it's been about two hours with this kid. When he's finally alone, he sighs in relief and returns to his old office. He checks his phone and smiles at seeing a message from his mom.

Maryse: "Dropping off Pandora with you at the Institute, Lucian is taking me out on a date!"

He smiles and opens the door when his mother knocks. He smiles at the baby girl in her arms and hugs her close. Maryse hands him Pandora's bag and kisses his cheek before leaving, he didn't bother bringing up his full diaper to her. He sits down at his desk and holds Pandora in his lap as he looks over a few things. He grimaces at how the cold mess feels but knows he can't change it so he focuses on Pandora. She gnaws on the teething ring Alec gives her as he writes up a few reports. There's a knock at his office door again and he hides Pandora protectively in his jacket, he knows he doesn't need to but he would rather do it to be safe.

"Come in." Raj walks in and Alec sighs, letting the baby be seen since he knows that Raj is no threat to his daughter. The five month old looks up at the new person and tilts her head, making the wild tuft of soft black hair shift. Raj can't help but smile at the chubby baby in a pastel purple tutu. He then turns to look at Alec, who is attempting to tame Pandora's hair with one hand as he locks eyes with Raj.

"I came to discuss a few things from a previous patrol I took part in two nights ago." "Well myself and Baby Branwell are all ears, what troubles you?" Raj starts to discuss the previous patrol in detail and Alec takes notes where he feels it is necessary. At one point during the explanation, which was when Raj started to ramble about how his partner was irritating, he felt his bladder release once again. Thankfully, it was silent and you couldn't see it so he paid no mind to it as he continued to humor Raj. When Raj finally finishes his rant, Alec gives him the necessary advice. He leaves as soon as Pandora starts to whine and cry. Alec stands and starts to comfort her immediately.

"Shh hey it's okay, princess. Daddy's here what's wrong? You're tired, huh? Let's get you home." Alec grabs her diaper bag and puts what he needs to take home in it before leaving his office. He heads for the front entrance, not caring about the looks he's getting. The newest recruit, Jacob, sees the head of the Institute with a baby and approaches them.

"Is this your daughter, Mr. Lightwood? She's so cute!" "Yes she is. Sorry but she's tired and I need to get her home." Pandora starts to cry softly into Alec's shoulder and every female Shadowhunter looks at the father-daughter duo, maternal instinct kicking in. "I know I know you need a nap. Let's go see if mommy's home and see if we can get you to nap for at least an hour." Alec leaves the Institute and heads home, activating a rune to get him home as fast as possible.

The moment Alec walks into the loft, he goes straight for Lydia's room. Magnus got home a few minutes prior so he follows his boyfriend. Alec changes Pandora's diaper quickly and rocks her gently, putting her in her crib when she dozed off in his arms. Magnus recorded the whole thing and sent it to Lydia, Maryse, Izzy, and Maia with '#dadmode' accompanying it.

"Well done, daddy." "By the angel Magnus you startled me." Alec smiles and they leave Lydia's room, taking the baby monitor as well. Magnus taps Alec's butt and notices how full his diaper is.

"How long have you been sitting in that?" "Since before I went to the Institute about three and a half hours ago." "Okay. Potty-training. Starting now. Let's go get you cleaned up and into a pull-up." Alec nods and lets Magnus change him, trying not to wince when it came to the furious rash on his skin. Magnus cleans him well and puts rash cream on him, sliding a pull-up on him afterwards. They both decide to just keep his pants off for now, wanting this to go easier.

"The moment you think you need to go, let me know." "Will do. Can you text Lydia and Maia about it?" "Of course, darling." Alec kisses him in gratitude before going to work a bit more. Magnus texts the ladies and heads to Alec's office, sitting nearby in case he needs him. Within twenty minutes, Alec squirms slightly.

"Mags." "Yep." Alec walks to the bathroom with Magnus trailing behind. He removes his pull-up and barely makes it, a tiny bit he couldn't hold in wetting the slight padding. He groans and puts a dry one on. Magnus smiles.

"Better than I expected. I was expecting you to fully wet it and leak." Alec blushes and washes his hands before going to find pants since Lydia and Maia are home.

Little!Alec and Others AdventuresWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu