Month 6 and Gender Reveal

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Lydia sighs, Izzy definitely went overboard this time. The entire area is filled with various decorations and there is way too much food for ten people not counting Simon even if one is pregnant and it's mostly shadowhunters. Lydia is six months in and her belly just keeps swelling. She's sitting on a chair Magnus brought for her, they're out in a field away from the city and everyone showed up. The Littles are currently in headspace but all plan to age up by the time they find out the gender. Alec aged all the way down so he's currently playing on a blanket with Jace. Everyone except for Izzy is dressed in either pink or blue, depending on what they think. Izzy is wearing purple since she already knows the gender and so is Clary since Izzy told her.
Lydia is in a pink dress that flows around her belly, making it easier for her to move. She rubs her lower back as Luke approaches her in a blue shirt. "Back pain?" "Yep. I feel like I'm going to start waddling soon." Catarina approaches and smiles, she knows the gender as well but wears a pink shirt and shows her blue skin to make it confusing. "Want any help with that?" "Nah just leave it. The pain isn't that bad I just needed to sit for a minute." The two downworlders nod. Max approaches Lydia and hands her a gift for the baby so se can place it on the table beside her. "Thank you Max." "How do you feel?" "Tired and my back is bugging me a bit. But I'm alright. Having fun?" He smiles. "Yeah. I got to play cars with Simon again. I'm gonna go back." He walks back to the Littles and Lydia smiles. She waves to Maryse as she approaches. "Enjoying it?" "Oh hell yeah. I have to admit having Alec and Magnus cater to every need is pretty fun. Plus I'm gonna be a mom and it's something that I've wanted for so long." Maryse smiles, she and Max both wore blue. Izzy approaches Lydia. "Is this all too much?" "Not at all. Thank you so much again Izzy." "It was my pleasure. Magnus is doing a quick check and change of Alec and Jace and then we're having them age up so we can know the baby gender. I'm gonna go set up." Izzy skips off to do her thing.
After all Littles returned to adult headspace, Izzy set up a board that has 'HE' in blue letters 'OR' in purple and 'SHE' in pink with a purple question mark. On the board is a large black balloon, filled with colored powder. Alec grabs his bow and arrow and stands beside Lydia, his pink shirt matching her dress. Magnus watches with a blue shirt, Jace and Simon wearing the same color as him. Alec pulls the arrow back and releases it, the arrow puncturing that black balloon and the area filling with a cloud of...

Bright pink.

Alec drops his bow and hugs Lydia gently at the news. She starts to cry a little, happy that she's having a baby girl. There's an eruption of cheers around them, but at that moment Lydia only want to hug Alec and thank him for doing this for her. He looks at her face and wipes her eyes. "You okay?" She nods. "I'm just so happy. I always wanted a daughter of my own." Alec smiles and hugs her more as people come up to congratulate her. "Looks like you wanted a girl too." "I'll admit that I was hoping she would be a girl. I just thought of a little girl with my hair and your eyes and your facial structure and next thing I knew I was smiling at the thought of a little girl." "Just wait. If imagining her makes you this happy, wait until we have her and trust me when I say I want you there with me." "Really?" "Yeah! You're the dad Alec of course I want you there." He smiles at her and sees Magnus just watching them. "Don't mind me. Continue your adorable moment." Alec rolls his eyes and kisses Magnus. Lydia smiles and watches their interaction.
Izzy bought a lot of snacks that she knew Lydia would like, mostly pastries, so everyone starts eating the cookies and cupcakes. Lydia is standing with Jace and Alec as she eats a cookie, a cupcake still in her hand. She looks Alec dead in the eye and he shakes his head. "No." Lydia smiles and Jace nods. She takes a step forward and pushes the frosting all over his face. Jace laughs hysterically while also standing in between the two so Alec can't get frosting on her. Everyone starts laughing at Alec and he shakes his head, trying not to smile. Magnus walks up to him and licks the side of his face, causing Alec to tense up and try to hide his face. Magnus laughs and Simon is on the floor laughing.
Jace is clinging to Lydia, feeling little again, and yawns. It's been two hours since they found out that Lydia is having a baby girl so they all headed back to the loft after cleaning up. Alec is on Lydia's other side, in his baby headspace, and nodding off slightly. "I don't know about the others, but I think these two definitely need a nap." "No mama..." "No auwntie Wydia..." She smiles and nods. Magnus and Luke take both Littles to the the nursery to nap. Simon and Clary continue to play together, not tired and being quiet. Lydia starts walking to her room. "Tired?" She can only nod at Magnus's words as she goes to lie down.

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