Cute Malec Outing

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After giving Alec lunch, Magnus arranges for him and Alec to go to a store similar to a BuildABear but for Littles only. Magnus gets Alec dressed and tells him the plan, getting a squeak of excitement in response. Magnus smiles and fixes his clothing so they can leave.

Once they get to the store, the employee smiles at them. "We got your request Mr. Bane so the store will be empty for you and your shy Little boy to do this comfortably." Alec looks happy by what the lady said and goes to pick out a stuffed animal, he wants to make one for Magnus. He sees a blue teddy bear that looks like it has glitter on it and he shows it to Magnus.

"Oh that is beautiful, darling." "For papa." "For me? You are so sweet, Alexander. Shall we make one for your baby sister too?" "Yeah!" Magnus smiles and lets Alec pick out a purple puppy for Pandora. While Alec is distracted, the warlock picks out a light yellow cat to make for the Little. They decide to do a voice pack for Pandora's and they both say "We love you, Pandora." into the recording box. As Alec gets distracted by looking at clothes for Magnus's bear, the warlock records an "I love you, Alexander." for the yellow cat. Magnus laughs as the shadowhunter picks out bright pink pants, a sequined vest, and boots for Magnus's bear. They both pick a little blue dress and boots for Pandora's dog and Magnus picks out a light green shirt and black shorts for Alec's cat.

After they get back to their little vacation spot, Magnus texts Lydia that they made a toy for Pandora. The warlock gives Alec his new friend and smiles at how excited Alec got. Magnus looks at the bear that Alec made for him and hugs it slight, loving that he thought of Magnus before himself. He watches Alec cuddle with his new cat as he plays with a few toys on the floor while he gets his laptop set up.

"Alexander, I'm going to call mama." Alec rushes next to Magnus and smiles when Lydia's face appears on the screen.

"Hi mama!"
"Hi sweetie! How's my little boy?"
"Good mama! Made Dora a puppy!"
"Oh how sweet. Can mama see?"
Magnus shows Lydia the purple dog toy, causing her to smile and as she adjusts the baby in her arms.
"That's so cute! And her dress looks like mine."
"Alexander picked it out."
"How sweet. I'm sure your sister will love it." Pandora starts to cry a bit and Lydia soothes her.
"I have to feed her so I will call you soon. I love you both!"
"Bye mama!"
"Have a good evening Lydia."
"Thank you." Lydia hangs up and goes to feed Pandora.

Magnus looks at Alec. "What shall we do before dinner, darling?"

Little!Alec and Others AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now