Jace apologizes and a bit of extra Malec

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Izzy hears footsteps coming from the hallway and stops talking as Alec approaches, obviously aged up. He blushes as he walks over to Magnus, whispering in his ear. Magnus smiles.
"We will be right back Isabelle, in just going to help Alec change his diaper and we can continue our conversation." "MAGNUS!" The shadowhunter whines. Alec's face is bright red as he walks away quickly. Izzy and Magnus laugh as he follows his embarrassed boyfriend. Izzy checks her phone: ten missed calls from Jace. She sends him a text saying to just stop by Magnus's loft. She walks over to the master bedroom, knocking first before opening the door. Magnus opens the door with his magic and smiles at her, Alec sitting on the bed beside him. He's now fully dressed but the edge of the diaper is still visible as he stretches.
"Jace is on his way now." Alec shakes his head. "I'm not ready to talk to him Iz, I won't." Magnus sighs and holds Alec's hand, causing Alec to face him. "Just tell him how you felt. We will be right beside you the entire time." Alec nods as they hear a knock at the door. "How the hell did he get here so fast?" Alec grumbles as the trio walk to the living room. As soon as the door opens, Jace approaches Alec before he can move away.
"Alec dude I'm so sorry I was such an ass I didn't mean anything rude by it. I feel so guilty man please tell me you're not still upset with me." Jace has a nearly pleading look in his eyes. Alec sighs and nods, pulling him into a hug. "Just keep your mouth shut next time." "You mean like right now?" "Okay I'm pissed again get out." "NO WAIT I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT!" "Chill Jace I was kidding." Alec laughs at his parabatai panic. Jace smacks him playfully in the arm as they laugh at each other. Magnus sighs, now realizing what upset Alec earlier. Izzy nods in understanding as well, ready to spar with Jace later for upsetting him. Alec sits between Jace and Izzy on the couch, trying not to react to the crinkling sound coming from him and the slight pain from his rash. Jace notices the wince and looks at him with concern in his eyes. Magnus uses this concern to make Jace feel worse.
"Because you pointed out what he was wearing he got too embarrassed to speak up about the fact that he needed to be changed. So after sitting in that soaked diaper for over three hours, he developed a very painful rash which I'm not sure when it will go away." Alec hides his face and leans more towards Izzy, too embarrassed by what Magnus has said. Jace looks at Magnus for any indication of deception. Once he finds none, he instantly feels worse. Alec can sense his guilt through their bond and looks at him.
"Really Jace it's fine... It's my fault for being so sensitive for no valid reason and then not telling Magnus what I needed like I was supposed to." "But that is a valid reason, Alec... I was being a dick..." "Well as they say you are what you eat right?" "Nope not me you're the gay in the family, Izzy's bi she doesn't count." "Not according to the way you look at Simon~" "Lies! Slander! I hate that vampire!" "Sure you do." Alec and Jace continue to go back and forth for a while as Magnus tells Izzy about every experience he has had with Alec in ageplay. After a couple hours, Izzy and Jace leave so that Magnus and Alec can enjoy their time together and just relax. As soon as Izzy and Jace return to the Institute, Izzy heads for the training room. Jace follows and, before he can get a word out, gets a staff thrown at him. He catches it and sees Izzy's stance, sighing as she gets ready to strike.
Alec has his arm around Magnus's shoulders as they watch a movie together, each with a glass of wine in their hands. Magnus cuddles close to Alec as the movie finishes, using his magic to place their empty wine glasses on the coffee table. Both men look at each other and, within seconds, connect their lips for a passionate kiss. Alec lifts Magnus off the couch and takes him to their bedroom, not breaking the kiss except to take a quick breath. It's still daytime but neither of them care, they just want each other. Before they get much further, Magnus breaks the kiss and looks at Alec.
"Are you sure that you want this right now? Won't it hurt more than usual?" Alec rolls his eyes. "I'll be fine, Mags. Besides, I need you right now~" Alec's pupils are dilated with lust and Magnus holds his breath. Their lips meet again for a hard and passionate kiss as they start stripping each other.
                                • • •
Alec lies beside Magnus, panting and covered in sweat. The older man traces Alec's runes as they cuddle close.
"You're amazing, you know that babe?" Magnus only hums in response before kissing his jaw. Alec smiles and starts to get up, much to Magnus's protest.
"Cmon, lets go take a shower." "Noooooo please I just want to cuddle for a little while longer~" Alec laughs as Magnus whines. "We can cuddle afterwards. Now get up, we both need it." Magnus pouts in defeat, but watches Alec walk to their bathroom completely naked for maybe a bit longer than he should but that's not an issue here.
After their shared shower, which took longer than it should have, Magnus has Alec change into his more "ageplay appropriate" clothing so that he can properly relax again. After Magnus helps him with his diaper, he gets changed into one of Alec's old sweaters and a pair of his own sweatpants.

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