7 1/2 Months in, Name Reveal, Mood Swings, and Sweet Request

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Lydia is seven and a half months pregnant and is frustrated by how hard it is now to get out of bed and bend down. Izzy and Clary have been coming over more often to help Lydia out. They're currently trying to help Alec learn how to change a diaper on a baby doll that Izzy gave to Clary when they started ageplay. He groans and starts over, again. "How the hell do you guys make it look so easy?! Fuck you guys even diaper Jace and I no problem why can't I get it right on a damn doll!" Lydia and the other girls laugh at his frustration. Clary looks at Lydia. "Have you thought of names yet?" "We have her full name picked out already." Izzy and Clary lean in with anticipation. Alec takes a break from failing to stand behind Lydia as she tells the girls the baby name. "Her name is going to be Pandora Isabelle Branwell." Izzy starts to cry and practically tackles Lydia in a hug, causing her to stumble backwards and nearly fall. Alec catches her quickly and helps keep her upright as she hugs Izzy. The Lightwood looks at her with tears streaming down her face. "I can't believe you chose my name as her middle name..." She smiles at Lydia and hugs her again. Lydia smiles and hugs her back. Alec stays behind Lydia to make sure she doesn't almost fall again. Clary watches it all with a huge grin on her face.
Alec took a nap when Izzy and Clary left about twenty minutes after they learned the baby's name. When he wakes up, he wants to slip but doesn't know if Lydia can handle watching him on her own since Magnus isn't home. He goes to Lydia's bedroom where she's reading a book on her bed. She sees Alec in her doorway looking nervous. "Feeling little?" He nods a bit. "Age down, sweetie. I can handle it." He shakes his head. "Don' wanna stess out Pandora..." He's slipping already and Lydia sighs. "What if I call someone to help watch you?" Alec nods, his thumb getting close to his mouth. Lydia gets out of bed and grabs one of his pacifiers from her bedside table, placing it in his mouth while pushing his hand out of the way. "No honey that's yucky." He pouts but listens and sucks on his pacifier. Lydia texts everyone to see if someone can come help her watch Alec until Magnus gets home.
There's a knock at the door and Lydia sighs. "Just come in! I'm in the kitchen!" She hears two sets of footsteps and goes back to making a bottle for Alec until she feels someone behind her. "Hello." "Hey Lyd. That for Alec?" "No Jace it's for you to shove up your fucking ass, dumbfuck Herondale no shit!" She slams a fist against the counter, dropping a knife to the floor. Her mood swings have been flaring lately at random. She gasps and slaps both hands over her mouth. She turns to see Jace with a shocked expression as she bursts into tears. He just pulls her into his arms, unsure of what to do. "Jace I'm so extremely sorry these stupid fucking pregnancy hormones I've become the worst person ever!" Jace pets her hair and looks at Simon, who just walked in to grab Alec's bottle. "No no no Lydia it's okay really. I know you didn't mean it, it's just your daughter throwing your emotions out of whack it's okay. I'm not upset I promise." He continues to rub her back to stop her sobs. She stops crying and looks at him. "Really?" "Yes, really. Lydia I love you like a sister one moment of anger isn't enough to make me upset with you." She smiles and nods. "Okay. Can you feed Alec? I just remembered we had strawberries and ice cream." She lets go of him and goes over to the fridge. Jace looks at Simon with wide eyes and the daylighter shrugs, grabbing Alec's bottle to feed him. They both leave the kitchen. "The fuck?!" "Pregnancy dude, turns women into psychos." "I'm glad I'm with you then because I could never do that. I have so much more respect for Magnus now no joke." Simon nods and gives Alec his bottle, holding it so he can drink comfortably.
Lydia comes into the living room with her snack and pets Alec's hair as she sits in a chair. "So, Izzy says you have a name ready?" Lydia nods and looks at Simon. "Pandora Isabelle Branwell." Simon raises an eyebrow while Jace nods, not wanting to deal with another mood swing directed at him. "That's beautiful, Lydia." "Thank you, Jace." "Well it's cute but I think Simone is a much better name honestly." Lydia glares at him and Jace covers Alec's ears. "Yeah I totally want to name my daughter after this fucking moron! I barely like hearing your name I don't want my daughter to have the same name are you kidding?! I pity whatever child has your name, Lewis." If looks could kill, Simon would die again. He flinches back a bit and Jace uncovers Alec's ears, the Little very confused. Lydia then looks at Simon with a pained look in her eyes as she gets up and sits next to Simon, curling up against him. "I'm so sorry that I'm such a monster." "Lydia it's fine I know you don't mean it." "Simon you're the best and sweetest I'm glad we're friends." She's nearly cuddling him as he looks at Jace in confusion as he holds her.
Magnus comes home to see Jace and Simon cuddling on one side of the couch as Alec naps with his head against Lydia's swollen belly. The warlock smiles and the couple leaves, knowing that Alec is in great hands again. Lydia strokes her belly. "Both of my babies are asleep and I'm enjoying the peace." Magnus chuckles softly. "Want me to put him in his crib for the remainder?" Lydia smiles and nods. Magnus gets Alec into his crib, the little not even twitching. The warlock returns to Lydia's side and smiles at her. "How do you feel?" "Tired. I snapped at both Jace and Simon today." "I am aware. They understand." She nods. She looks Magnus in his glamoured eyes. "How do you feel about all of this? I mean, your boyfriend is the father of my child. What are your thoughts?" Magnus looks at her and gives a half smile. "I'm happy for both of you honestly. I know I'm the only one he loves romantically and he's still mine but I know that now he's part of your family as well. If I'm honest, I feel like I am a little left out." Lydia takes his hand in hers. "Remember this, Magnus. Pandora would not exist if it weren't for you. You're as much a part of her life as Alec is. You know what? How do you say dad in Indonesian?" "Ayah. Why?" "Because that's what she's going to call you." Magnus looks at her with a mix of shock and excitement. "Are you sure?" "Positive. I was thinking of asking Alec if he's okay with her calling him dad as well. But for now... Magnus Bane, would you be Pandora's Ayah?" Magnus smiles. "I would love to be her Ayah. Thank you, Lydia." She smiles and gives him a small peck to the cheek. She gets up to go back to her room. "I'm going to take a nap, she's taking way too much of my energy." "Sleep well ladies." "Thank you!" She goes and lies down, unaware of the tears streaming down Magnus's face as he smiles.

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