Part 1 of Alec and Lydia

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After another stressful week of work at the Institute, Alec can feel himself slipping at his desk again. He shakes his head, trying to snap out of it, as Lydia knocks on his office door.
"Alec? May I come in?" "Yeah." He relaxes once he hears her voice. She walks in, her clothing shockingly relaxed with just a tshirt, jeans, and sneakers as well as more natural makeup. "Close and lock the door please. I don't know how much longer I can be... You know... Me..." Lydia nods in understanding and does as he asks. She's been checking in on him daily the entire week, wanting to make sure he's staying healthy. She sits on his desk and looks at him.
"You look like you need a nap and cuddles. Want me to call Magnus?" "Can't... He's not home for the next week. He left this morning." Lydia nods in understanding. "Who's staying with you?" "Don't know..." She looks uncomfortable with that statement. "How about we go to the loft, get you all cozy, and spend the night in?" Alec can only nod tiredly. Lydia messages Clary, unlocking the door as she gets Alec to stand. Clary walks in and smiles. "Need something?" "Could you possibly help us with a portal to the loft? Magnus is unavailable and I have a feeling a certain little one will want to play soon." Clary nods in understanding. Lydia runs to her room to quickly pack a bag, intending to stay with Alec. She reaches Alec's office again and notices Alec sucking his thumb a bit. She takes his thumb out of his mouth and pulls a pacifier out of her bag.
"No sucking your thumb sweetie, it's icky from you touching things. Here." She slips the pacifier between his lips and he leans on her slightly. She smiles and Clary opens the portal. Lydia activates a strength rune on her arm and carries Alec through, knowing that he's very close to falling off the edge. Clary laughs at the scene she just witnessed and leaves the office when the portal closes.
Lydia places Alec on the floor of his nursery and goes through his drawers, Magnus had shown her previously where his stuff was. She changes him out of his work clothes and into a white onesie with pandas on it and a pair of knee-high black and white socks. She runs her fingers through his hair and sends a picture of the sleepy baby to Magnus with the caption of 'I'm putting him down for a nap now and I plan on staying for as long as he needs me. Hope that's okay?' She smiles at Magnus's response of heart emojis and approval as well as thanks to Lydia watching over Alec. She sees him yawn and runs her fingers through his hair again.
"Can you stay here for me for just a second? I'm going to go make you a bottle so you can have a nap okay?" He shakes his head and crawls over to her, placing his head in her lap before she can stand. She sighs, glad that her strength rune is still in affect. She lifts him into her arms and holds him on her hip while she prepares his bottle. She lies him down in his crib once it's ready and takes out his pacifier. He cries a tiny bit, reaching for her. She pulls him forward and sits behind him, glad that the crib is so huge and can support a lot of weight. He has his head on her shoulder and back against her chest as she feeds him his bottle. She keeps a small towel in her hand to wipe his face as he drinks, knowing from before that it tends to get on his chin. Once the bottle is empty, she gets him to burp before she helps him lie down. She gets out of the crib and tucks him in, noticing him struggling to stay awake. She kisses his hair and smiles down at him, loving this feeling that she's getting from taking care of him. She sees that he's out and pulls the crib bars up. She grabs the baby monitor and pins it to her hip as she closes the nursery door almost all the way and turns the light off, the nightlight already glowing. She sits in the living room with a novel in her hands, determined to catch up on reading as he naps.
About two and a half hours later, she hears a few whimpers from the baby monitor on her hip and springs into action. She turns his bedroom light on after she enters the room and lowers the side of the crib. She pets his hair. "What's wrong my little panda bear? What's got you so upset?" He whines and makes grabbing motions towards Lydia, seeking comfort. She pulls him closer to her and just holds him. "You just want to be held huh?" He hugs her in response. "Someone is very quiet. Are you my little baby today?" She feels him nod a bit and knows that he's regressed far, which she expected since he was under so much stress again. She rubs his back a bit and practically cradles him against her, knowing that he finds comfort in close contact. He cuddles into her and she places a kiss in his hair, knowing he just wants the affection. She grabs Church from his abandoned spot on the floor and places him in Alec's arms. Lydia reactivates her rune and lifts him into her arms, carrying him to the living room. She places him on a blanket with toys on it to keep him occupied.
There's a knock at the door, catching both shadowhunters' attention. Lydia pets Alec's hair and stands up, he doesn't move from his spot where he's lying down on the floor. Lydia opens the door and sees Luke. "Mr. Garroway? I did not expect to see you." "Hey Lydia. I thought I would just come by and see Alec, and you can just call me Luke you know that right?" She nods and gives him a small smile before letting him in. He sees Alec contently lying down and chooses to instead sit with Lydia and talk to her.
"You seem happy with him." "I truly am. I love having someone depend on me and the fact that it's Alec feels nice." Alec manages to get on all fours and crawl over to where the adults are. He lets Luke lift him up onto the couch between the two. He leans on Lydia and plays with her fingers as she looks at Luke. "When you helped Jocelyn raise Clary, did you feel a warmth in your chest every second you were with her? Or feel happy just being in the same home as her?" Luke nods and smiles as he sees tears collect in her eyes. She wipes her eyes and sniffs, pulling Alec a bit closer to her. Alec looks at her and says something behind his pacifier that leaves the adults with him speechless.
"No be sad mama." Lydia looks at Alec in shock and feels like she's going to break down crying. Luke grabs his phone, takes a picture secretly, and sends it to Magnus.
The warlock looks at his phone and nearly cries as he sees the text, his heart melts.

LG: *image attached*
He just called her 'mama' so know that you're definitely sharing him with her now ;)

Magnus sends a text to Lydia after replying to Luke.
Lydia looks at her phone and smiles at the message.

MB: Make sure you take great care of him. I have faith in you, mama.

Lydia wipes a couple tears away and holds Alec close to her chest. Luke got a bottle ready for Alec so that Lydia can feed him. She adjusts him so that he can drink comfortably. Luke smiles at Lydia and pets Alec's hair.
"I'm gonna head back to my pack now, contact me if you need any help." She can only nods and he leaves. Lydia cradles Alec close as he finishes. Once the bottle is empty, he looks at her and gives her a kiss on the cheek before nuzzling his nose into her neck. She smiles and cradles him close. Lydia puts on Alec's usual cartoons as she texts with Izzy a bit, letting her know what just happened. Izzy tells the others for Lydia so she can spend time with Alec.

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