The Lightwoods regroup and Alec makes a new friend

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Alec manages to calm down before his family got to the loft. There was a knock at the door and Magnus opened it using his magic. Maryse's voice could be heard through the loft.
"Alec?! Where are you?" Alec sits up and Magnus opens the bedroom door.
"I'm in here mom!" Alec's voice does not even waver, feeling safe in his boyfriend's arms. The four new guests enter the Lightwood-Bane bedroom slowly, afraid to see the oldest child's mental state.
"Hey guys. You alright mom? You seems really upset..." Alec sits up and looks at his mom in concern. She holds back tears as she approaches her son. She strokes his hair gently as she smiles at him.
"I'm alright Alec... How do you feel?" He smiles at her reassuringly.
"I'm much better now don't worry..." He stands up and hugs his mother close. He hears a slight giggle from his sister. He looks at her with a confused expression until he realizes what he's wearing.
"Cute sweater big brother~" He blushes darkly at the bright blue and fluffy oversized sweater that enveloped his torso.
"Sh-shut up Izzy..." He let's go of his mother to pick up his youngest brother Max.
"Izzy and mom said that dad was mean to you... Why?" Alec shakes his head as Jace clenches his fists at his sides. Magnus puts a grounding hand on Jace's shoulder, calming him some. Alec sighs and looks at his brother.
"I don't know Max... Dad is just on one right now but don't let him get to you okay?" Max nods and squirms to be put down. Alec chuckles lightly and puts Max gently on the ground. Izzy gives Alec a tight hug before escorting everyone else out of the loft. Alec turns to Magnus and hugs him, burying his face in the older man's neck. Magnus runs his fingers through Alec's dark hair.
"Are you alright?" Alec nods, he thinks he'll breakdown if he says another word. He just squeezes Magnus tighter. The warlock sighs.
"How about you lie back down for a minute? I have something that I want to give you~" He smiles innocently. Alec is slightly suspicious but complies. Magnus smiles wider and covers Alec's eyes with his hands.
"Close those beautiful hazel eyes for me Alexander. Please?" Alec sighs and closes his eyes, a ghost of a grin on his face. Magnus leaves the room for about 5 minutes, or at least it felt like it to Alec. He hears footsteps approach and gets a bit excited, curious about what Magnus got. The older man grabs his boyfriend's hand and places something very soft in it. Alec's face scrunched slightly in confusion, which Magnus finds extremely adorable.
"Alright you may open your eyes now." Alec slowly opens his eyes and blinks for a moment to let them readjust to the bedroom lighting. He looks down at the soft object in his hands and finds a very fluffy black stuffed cat with golden eyes. He studies it carefully and grins slightly. Alec always wanted a stuffed animal but as the oldest Lightwood child, he was not allowed. He looks up at Magnus.
"It's cute... But why?" Magnus laughs a little and looks at his love.
"I told you before that I wanted to be your caretaker and give you things that you did not have before. I thought this little creature was adorable and that you might love it... What do you think?" Alec smiles innocently and hugs the stuffed cat to his chest, a slight childish look in his eyes.
"I love it. Thanks Mags!" He stands and hugs his boyfriend tightly. Magnus hugs him back and kisses his cheek, glad to see him so happy and seemingly aging down again in a comfortable environment.
"You're very welcome love. Now, how about we watch a movie in the living room? You can bring your little friend with you and we can watch whatever you want." Magnus strokes Alec's cheek with the thumb of his right hand. Alec nods and walks with Magnus to the living room, his new toy tucked under his left arm. Magnus sits on the couch and gestures for Alec to lie down, placing his Little's head in his lap. He strokes Alec's hair gently.
"So what is your friend's name?" Alec makes the toy sit up on his chest and stares at it, seeming in deep thought. Magnus feels a warmth spread through his chest at Alec's actions.
"Hmmm... What about... Church? I think it's a good name for him..." He looks up at Magnus for approval. The warlock nods.
"If that is what you want to name him then that shall be his name." Alec smiles as Magnus pets the stuffed toy's head. Magnus puts on a movie that he got as a recommendation from Simon and Luke on the assumption that it's for Madzie about a girl who goes to war and saves all of China. As the opening sequence for Mulan starts, Alec is mesmerized by the music and what appears on the screen. Magnus smiles at how adorable this side of Alec is and just watches him through the duration of the movie.

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