The Difference Between Jace and Izzy with Alec

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Jace waits for his parabatai by a tree in Central Park. He waves to him when he sees him.
"So what are we looking for?" Alec asked him, just wanting to get it over with. Jace smirks at his brother's impatient behavior.
"A few shax demons have been spotted in the area, nothing major." Alec nods and starts walking. Jace notices that Alec is walking slightly differently but decides to comment on it after they do their job. As it turns out, there were more demons than anticipated. Both men had taken down around twenty shax demons before they noticed the number decreasing. By the end of the fight, both Alec and Jace had to apply multiple iratzes and their clothes were slightly torn in some places as well as coated in ichor. They hurry to the Institute to clean off and check if any wounds are left on either of them. They stay in Jace's room with the door locked, neither of them in the mood for socializing with anyone. Alec removes his jacket and shirt, allowing Jace to see a certain something peak out from the top of Alec's jeans. He smirks and approaches his parabatai slowly, speaking with a laugh.
"Hey Alec, nice underwear you got there." Alec looks down, noticing that his jeans had sagged a bit and were showing off the top of his diaper. He quickly pulls his pants up as high as he could and turns his back to have, mortified that his adopted brother saw that. Jace instantly feels guilty and mentally kicks himself. He puts a hand on Alec's shoulder, wincing at how much Alec flinches at his touch.
"Alec I'm sorry... I didn't mean it in a bad way. I'm not trying to be mean or anything I was just trying to drum up conversation. I'm glad that you're starting to feel more comfortable and do things like wear those. Please don't be upset I'm really sorry..." Alec turns to face Jace, clearly embarrassed but starting to look less upset.
"Just forget it okay...?" Alec says in a quiet voice, a clear indicator that Jace screwed up. Jace nods and goes to grab an extra shirt, tossing it to Alec. He puts it on quickly and leaves the room, rushing to get away. Jace sits on his bed, holding his head in his hands. Izzy walks in and pokes the top of Jace's head to get his attention. He looks up at her.
"What happened? Alec practically ran out of here like the Institute was on fire." Izzy looks concerned, wondering if Alec's Little side is involved. Jace sighs and runs a hand over his face.
"I made a comment I should not have made and Alec got really upset over it... And no I'm not telling you what I said because I don't know if Alec would want you to know." Izzy sighs in frustration and goes to the loft to see what upset Alec. She sends a text letting Magnus know her intentions and just in case Alec doesn't vocalize his emotions. Izzy manages to get there before Alec, she realizes, as Magnus opens his front door and looks confused. She sighs as they both sit on the couch. Alec walks in the door about five minutes later and looks uncomfortable seeing Izzy.
"Jace said that he unintentionally upset you and I just wanted to make sure that you were okay..." Alec sighs as he sits beside his sister, resting his head on her shoulder.
"I don't really want to talk about it... But..." He sighs and lifts his shirt, revealing the white plastic waistband. Izzy nods in understanding and pets Alec's hair. He's very grateful of the fact that she does not press it further and just comforts her brother, when in reality she wants to comment on how adorable he is. Magnus sighs in relief as he sees Alec relax. Alec remains big but seems content being coddled. Izzy pulls Alec's shirt back down and just holds him for a little while. Magnus stays close by, in case Alec starts to slip. Alec feels his little self trying to make his presence known, but he tries to fight it. Izzy notices and sends a text to Magnus, not wanting to say her intentions out loud.

IL: Does Alec have anything I can use to help him age down? He's fighting it.

Magnus looks at her and nods, summoning Church and a new object that he's been wanting to try. Izzy smiles as she takes Church from Magnus, placing the toy in Alec's line of sight. He smirks and pokes the cat in the belly. Izzy's chest grows warm at the sight before her. Alec is in his little space within seconds, not even fighting the fact that Magnus has placed a bright green pacifier with a bow and arrow in his mouth. He sucks on it once before noticing it. Alec moves it around a bit using his tongue before he begins to rhythmically suck on it. Izzy tries not to squeal at how adorable her older brother is as Magnus lets Alec play with and examine one of his heavily ringed hands.

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