The Parenting Style of Izzy and Magnus

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Magnus turned the TV on once he saw that Alec was content and put on a show for himself and Isabelle. The three of them sat in silence in the living room for a long while before Alec began to squirm in discomfort. Izzy looks down at him with curious and maternal eyes.
"What is it sweetheart? Is something wrong?" Alec refuses to look at Izzy or Magnus, instead choosing to hide his face into Church's soft fur and suck on his new pacifier slightly harder. Magnus raises an eyebrow and gets closer to the boy, wondering why he would close himself off like that so quickly. He runs a hand through Alec's dark hair and tries to read his body language. Magnus suddenly realizes what could be upsetting Alec and looks to Izzy to find a way to distract him. Understanding what the look meant, Izzy starts to play with Church which causes Alec to put all of his attention into the cat moving around in front of him. Magnus tries to check Alec's diaper as carefully as possible, trying not to get the Little's attention. Magnus notices immediately that Alec was wet, though he wasn't sure for how long. He looks to Izzy, in hopes of her further distracting Alec while he changes him. Magnus uses his magic to gather everything he needs as he snaps away Alec's pants, not even fazing the boy. The warlock can see the extent on how soaked Alec was, wondering now if he had needed a change since he left the loft about three hours ago. He sighs and continues to change him, wincing at the sight of the rash that has appeared on Alec's body. It looked angry and painful. As Magnus brushes over it gently with a baby wipe, Alec whines in pain and tries to move a little. Magnus looks at Izzy and sees the concern in her eyes.
"I'll apply an iratze and hopefully it should go away..." She uses her stele to draw an iratze on Alec's skin, which sadly doesn't do much. Magnus sighs and goes through his diaper supplies, finding an ointment he got for just in case. He starts to apply it as gently as possible to Alec's inflamed skin. Alec squirms a little and makes it clear that he's uncomfortable, but he does nothing to stop Magnus.
"Shh I know baby I know... Do not worry my little Alexander, it will be better soon..." Magnus closes a new diaper around Alec's body and adjusts it to make sure that it's comfortable. Izzy strokes Alec's hair and hums softly, soothing the tired boy. He cuddles into her a bit as Magnus puts a blanket over Alec's legs instead of his pants, making it easier to check him next time. Izzy looks down at her brother.
"Sweetie, how long were you wet?" Alec looks at her and speaks with a quiet voice. "When I wen go help Jace..." His answer didn't make complete sense and his voice is slightly muffled by his pacifier but Magnus understood.
"Darling that was a little over three hours ago... Why didn't you say anything?" Alec shrugs. "Next time you need a change, can you tell me right away? That way your rash doesn't get worse or come back because those cannot be fun..." Alec nods while rubbing one eye with a closed fist, a clear indicator that he's tired.
"Hurts... No fun papa..." Magnus freezes for a moment, not sure how to respond since Alec and him never discussed a possible title. Izzy smiles after hearing Alec uses the term and nods at Magnus encouragingly. Magnus strokes Alec's cheek with the back of his hand, being mindful of his rings.
"I know and I'm sorry for that sweetheart... I promise I'll pay more attention too so that my little kitty is happy and not in pain." Alec giggles at the nickname and sits up to hug Magnus, causing him to smile and tears to gather in his eyes. He blinks then away rapidly before he faces Alec again.
"Now, I think a certain someone needs a nap." Izzy nods. "I agree Magnus. A certain little boy should definitely go take a nap right now." Alec shakes his head but let's out a large yawn, pacifier falling out of his mouth. Izzy places it back between Alec's lips as Magnus lifts him into his arms. The warlock gestures for Izzy to follow him into his bedroom. Izzy pulls back the covers as Magnus lowers Alec into the bed. The female shadowhunter hands her brother his stuffed Church the cat that she brought with her from the living room as he starts to fall asleep. He cuddles the cat and Magnus strokes his hair, helping him fall asleep in a matter of seconds. Once they can hear a few soft snores, they leave the room to let him rest. Magnus does not close the door all the way just in case Alec wakes up and may need him.
"You're pretty great with him, papa." "Oh shush you!" Both Magnus and Izzy burst into laughter, but stay mindful of volume. "How young do you think Alec is at this point? I never expected him to fall this deeply into his role." "Me neither if I'm being completely honest, though I did tell Alexander that he may slip to as young as he chooses. I'm assuming that he wants to be treated possibly like an infant which I have no objections to." Magnus starts heading towards the kitchen and Izzy follows. He starts to make tea for the both of them.
"I want to thank you, Magnus. I'm grateful to you for doing this for my brother. He seems more relaxed and that's all I ever wanted since I suggested ageplay with him." Magnus smiles at her and rubs her shoulder with one hand. "I should be thanking you for the opportunity of caring for such an adorable Little. I love Alexander with all my heart and I'm glad that I may do this for him." Izzy smiles and hugs him. "You're just so good with him and I love seeing that. It's like this was your calling, besides being the High Warlock of Brooklyn. And Alec even called you papa and that shows a level of trust that I did not expect this early on just for the reason that my brother is not very trusting." "It surprised me too given that we had never spoken about it, but I love hearing him say it." Magnus serves them both tea as they go to sit in his living room. They continue to watch tv and talk about anything and everything until Alec wakes up.

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