Big Alec returns and a Scary Night ensues

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Alec's stomach growls as the end credits roll. Magnus chuckles lightly and pets his little boy's hair.
"Hungry?" Alec hides his face into Church's soft fur. Magnus can't help but laugh a little at how cute and shy Alec was being. He pushes the stuffed cat away from Alec's face and kisses the tip of his nose.
"What if I order pizza? Does that sound good?" Alec nods and sits up slowly. Magnus leads him to the bathroom to do his thing and wash his hands. As Alec dries his hands, Magnus orders 2 pizzas. Twenty minutes later they get their food and start eating while watching whatever was on TV at the time. Magnus reaches over with a napkin, for the third time in the past ten minutes, to wipe off food from Alec's face. Each time Alec squirms a little and tries to turn his face away. After they finish eating, Alec's mind is hazy. He recognizes that he's in between headspaces so he puts the toy cat off to the side and runs a hand over his face. He tries to age up before Magnus returns from the kitchen and manages to do so. He leans back against the couch and stretches his arms over the back. Magnus walks into the room and notices Alec's posture. He walks over to the back of the couch and leans over Alec. The Shadowhunter looks up at his boyfriend and gives a lopsided grin, using one hand to guide Magnus down for a chaste kiss on the lips.
"Hey babe." "Well hello to you too Alexander~" Magnus walks around the couch to sit beside Alec, kissing him when he settles. Alec runs his fingers through Magnus's hair slightly, not wanting to mess it up. They break from the kiss when they need air and look at each other, love filling both sets of eyes. Magnus scoots closer to Alec and rests his head on his shoulder. Alec brings an arm around Magnus's shoulders, the warlock letting his glamour drop as he cuddles further into his taller partner. Magnus puts on a horror movie called The Possession of Michael King just so that something's on and doesn't think anything of it, not putting into consideration any adverse reaction Alec might give later that night. The movie involved someone getting possessed by a demon called Bahamgore and the man kills others. It all hit Alec hard, remembering what happened to Jocelyn that night he got possessed and how his sister was also possessed. He started to feel uneasy by it but tried not to make it obvious since Magnus was enjoying the movie. Conveniently, Magnus didn't even notice so Alec tried to think of something else. He ended up getting jumpscared a few times, Magnus turned all of the lights off and the loft was vacant of all other noise than the movie. Alec ended up cuddling the older man closer on multiple occasions to hide the fact that he got scared by the movie.
It was way longer than Alec would have liked and by the end of it he decided to take a shower and turn in early, Magnus following him close behind with Church behind his back. Alec goes into the bathroom to take his shower and Magnus lays out some very soft and comfortable pajama pants for his boyfriend. Given that Alec was big, Magnus reluctantly made sure that the pants were black. He puts them and a pair of boxer-briefs on the bathroom counter as Alec showered. Magnus himself strips down to just his briefs that he was wearing and gets under the blanket. He notices that it was still a little early, but some in bed cuddles and extra sleep never hurt anyone. Alec comes out fifteen minutes later, dressed and hair dried. He lies down beside Magnus under the covers and pulls the warlock close. Magnus places his head on Alec's chest and cuddles into him further. Once Alec has his arms wrapped around Magnus, he starts to doze off.
"Night Mags..." "Goodnight darling~" "I love you." "I love you too, Alexander" Magnus kisses Alec's bare, hairy chest and cuddles him as Alec falls asleep.

*Alec is running. He doesn't know where he is or where he's going. All he knows is that his bow is destroyed and his seraph blade is gone. He's bleeding from a wound in his left shoulder, but his stele was destroyed as well before he could apply an iratze. He's limping slightly, he twisted his ankle while running. Bahamgore managed to possess Jace, and Alec hates that he's being hunted by his parabatai. He manages to find a spot to hide. As he looks around, he recognizes it as the closet from the movie. He takes in a sharp breath as he hears someone approaching the room he's in.
"Hey Alec~ Where are ya buddy? Cmon you can't hide from me~" Jace gets closer and closer to where Alec is hiding. He crawls farther into the closet and curls in on himself. He holds his breath as he sees Jace approach where he is. When he can no longer see Jace, Alec doesn't know whether to feel relieved or petrified. Suddenly Jace pulls the clothes away that kept Alec hidden and he laughs with a demonic undertone to his voice.
"I FOUND YOU!" His hand goes for Alec's throat.*

Alec jolts awake from his nightmare, panting heavily and sweating. He manages to not disturb Magnus, who now has his back to him and sighs. He runs a hand over his face when he realizes something, making him freeze instantly. He lifts the blanket that covers him from the waist down and is mortified with what he finds: he wet the bed again... but with Magnus beside him.

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