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All four Littles were put down for a nap, knowing that all four needed it. Maia is currently swaying with a semi-fussy baby in her arms, letting Lydia shower. Maryse and Luke are slightly cuddling on the couch while Magnus and Izzy talked about an outfit that Izzy wants to get for Pandora. Max himself is feeling tired so he goes to sit in Luke's lap, the werewolf letting the child relax. Maia bounces Pandora gently, shushing her slightly. The baby girl continues to whine a bit and squirm slightly. She starts to gnaw on her hand and drool on Maia's shirt. Maia takes the blanket off of her and puts it to the side.

"Hey, Maryse? Can you help me out here? She's feeling really warm, drooling, gumming the hell out of her hand, and is visibly upset." Maryse gets up and walks over to them. All attention is on the five month old as Maryse takes her. She takes Pandora's hand out of her mouth, eliciting a cry from the baby. Maryse uses her sleeve to wipe away the baby drool from her mouth and hand. She pats her diapered bottom and tries to quiet her down.

"Magnus, can you get me a cold wet cloth? I want to see if I can bring her fever down a bit and check something else." Magnus nods and snaps one up for her. Pandora still cries, very uncomfortable in her current state. Lydia enters the room, her hair wrapped in a towel. She rushes over to Maryse and looks at Pandora as the Lightwood glides the cool towel across her granddaughter's forehead.

"Is she alright?" "Can you hold her? I think I know what may be wrong." Lydia nods and holds Pandora close. Maryse has Maia keep Pandora from moving her head around as she checks the baby's gums, gliding her finger gently across. Maryse nods and puts a corner of the towel on part of her gums.

"She's fine, she's teething though." Lydia keeps the towel in place as she tries to soothe her cries. Pandora continues to vocalize her discomfort. Lydia tries to get her to quiet down before she wakes up any of the Littles.

Didn't work.

Alec wakes up and hears Pandora crying in pain and discomfort. He gets out of the crib, avoiding waking up Jace, and walks out to the living room, fully big again. He heads right to Lydia's side and pets Pandora's hair.

"She alright?" "She will be, go ahead and age back down. You don't need to be up yet." "My daughter is crying like crazy I would feel guilty not being here and trying to help her." Lydia nods and hands her to Alec. She immediately starts to gnaw on his shirt as she holds it tightly in her hand. She may not understand who he is or why she feels this way completely yet, but being in Alec's arms helps Pandora feel safe and like the pain she's feeling won't be so bad with him there. He rubs her back and keeps her close to his chest. Lydia goes to check Alec's diaper when he moves slightly away.

"Little damp. Don't worry about it. I'm not concerned with getting changed anyways." Alec just wants Pandora to be okay. Lydia nods. "She's teething so this probably won't stop for a while." Alec nods and accepts the freezing cold orange ring he got from Magnus, nodding in gratitude. He puts it in Pandora's mouth and she holds it herself, gnawing on it as Alec holds her. She stops crying but she still whines some, soothing her inflamed gums. Both parents look up to see all adults and Max looking at them, smiling at how they are with her.

"You two are such natural parents it's not even funny." Maia speaks up first, causing a lot of noises in agreement from everyone else. Lydia smiles and leans on Alec a bit so that she can be closer to Pandora. "Your daddy was so worried about you. You feel okay now? Feel safe with him?" Lydia's voice is soothing and soft. Pandora smiles around her teething ring and laughs a bit, making Alec smile.

Alec hands Pandora over to Lydia given that Pandora seems much more content and starts cuddling with Magnus on a section of the couch. Maia and Lydia go back to their bedroom with Pandora as Izzy reads with Max and Maryse is outside on the balcony with Luke. Alec kisses Magnus's cheek, causing the warlock to smile.

"You really are a great father, darling." "I hope so. Pandora deserves the best parents possible." Magnus smiles and kisses Alec, not caring that they're not alone. They part when they hear a childish giggle from near the end of the couch. Magnus looks over and sees a fluffy patch of dark hair and a lot of red hair, exposing the two Littles trying to hide. Alec laughs and reaches over, touching Simon's head and causing both Littles to be seen. Luke and Maryse come back in.

"I think we should all start heading home, it's been a long day." Maryse agrees with Luke and goes to get Jace. Izzy gets up and takes Clary into her arms, using the portal that Magnus created to get back to the institute. The warlock does the same for the others to go back to Luke's and relaxes back into Alec's arms.

Little!Alec and Others Adventuresजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें