Comforting and Magnus appears

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Izzy approaches Alec slowly and pets his hair. She's usually the one that helps him in these situations better.
"Hi sweetie can you look at me for a minute?" Alec looks up and seems to relax at seeing his sister. "Good boy Alec. Now honey, how old are you?" She speaks to him in the sweetest voice possible. He looks away, almost like he's thinking, then holds up fingers indicating his age. Izzy and Jace are now concerned.
"You're 2? Wow you're a big boy huh?" Alec has never slipped this young before and they're not sure what to do. She continues to pet his hair and smile gently.
"Did you have a nightmare honey?" Alec nods "Oh I'm sorry. Are you okay now? You know the big bad monsters can't get you while Izzy and Jace are here right? We will always love and protect you Alec" He shakes his head slightly and Jace hears a small 'no'. He looks at his "little" brother and smiles sadly. "You don't think so? And whys that? You're my little buddy I'm always gonna love you and so does Izzy" Alec looks up, sadness and fear in his eyes. He shakes his head.
"I was bad..." That confused them, having forgot his accident. Izzy gets closer to him and smells the urine staining his sheets and clinging to his skin. She looks down at him in understanding.
"Oh Alec it's okay. Having accidents don't make you bad okay? There's nothing wrong with that at all! Now cmon you probably feel all yucky in all of that wet clothes and sheets. Let's go get you clean okay? And Jace can clean up in here..." Alec moves the blanket away from himself and hugs Izzy, since she's standing his face goes into her belly. She sighs softly and gets her brother to the shower as best as he can to help him out. Jace cleans the bed off fast so that he can help Izzy with Alec.
Meanwhile, Magnus woke up with a weird feeling. He feels like there's something wrong with Alec but he cannot put his finger on it. He looks at the time, 3:24am, and realizes that he cannot call to check on him. He sends Izzy, Jace, and Clary a text asking if Alec is alright because he felt something similar to distress. Clary responds saying that Alec had a nightmare and Izzy and Jace are helping him out. Magnus is instantly worried and considers portaling to the Institute, but he knows that they will call him if he's needed. He tries to relax and fall asleep but he can't. He texts Alec out of impulse of just knowing that he's okay. When 20 minutes goes by without a reply, he instantly gets more worried. He paces in his room. He finally has enough and texts Alec that he will be there in a few minutes.
Jace hears Alec's phone go off and goes to check as Izzy dries off Alec, getting him dressed in a pair of Jace's sweatpants and an old sweater that he wears when he's little because he likes chewing on the oversized collar and sleeves. Jace reads the texts and panics.
"Um Izzy? We may have a problem!" Izzy walks in with Alec, holding his hand and rubbing his arm.
"What's wrong?" She reads the texts and her eyes widen. She has Alec sit down and she looks at him, bending down to meet his eyes.
"I'm sorry sweetheart but I need big Alec right now okay? Magnus is coming and I think big Alec needs to be here..." At the mention of Magnus's name, Alec visibly flinches and Izzy regrets her word choice.
"No no no Magnus no he no like me anymore!" He looks like he's going to start crying again and Izzy holds him close, burying his face in her belly again to muffle any cries. Jace has gotten rid of all evidence of the accident and tries to help comfort him before Magnus gets there.
A portal soon opens and it scares Alec, making him jump at the bright glowing thing in his room. He hides more inside Izzy as Magnus steps through, concern etched on his face. Jace walks over to Magnus and doesn't let him get closer.
"Alec is fine he just needs time okay? He'll text you later or somethi-" "Jace let me see Alexander! I am very worried about him and I am not leaving anytime soon! Not until he is truly alright." He stands his ground, arms crossed over his chest. Alec tenses up and starts to silently sob into his sister's flat belly. Jace notices and gets angry, he's very protective of this side of Alec.
"He's fine Bane or he was actually but now he looks worse! Just leave and we'll contact you later because you being here is freaking him out more than that fucking nightmare!" Izzy glares at both of them and in harsh whispers scolds them both. "That's enough both of you! Your fighting and yelling are pushing him over the edge and making things probably close to unbearable for Alec! Both of you leave the room now or so help me I'm using my whip to snap both of your necks!" Her whispers may have been soft in volume but not in power. She continues to stroke Alec's short hair as both men leave the room. Magnus looks at Jace and sighs. "Alright what's really going on Herondale?"
Jace looks at him, confused by that statement. "What do you mean?"
"I mean that I've seen Alexander after a nightmare before more times than I would have liked and never have been so awful that he was crying or practically trembling! What is actually wrong with him because that is not my Alexander in there..." Tears gather in his glamored eyes and it hurts Jace's heart. He rests a hand on the warlocks shoulder.
"I'm sorry Magnus but... we just can't tell you... not yet anyways... Alec is the only one who can explain it to you and right now is just not the time... Please understand." Jace removes his hand and steps back, watching for a reaction. Magnus looks up at him with understanding and sighs. He listens to what's going on behind the door he's leaning on and hears the way that Izzy and Alec are talking to each other.
"Iz?" "Yes sweetie?" "M tired..." "Alright lets get you back into bed okay? See look Jace cleaned it all up!" "Can I tank him before I go to bed?" " I'll let him know okay? You need to rest honey" "Kay Izzy..." "Alright lie down. There we go that's my sweet boy. This blanket is soft huh? Bet that feels nice" "P'ease don leave me..." "I won't Alec... I'll stay right here with you while you sleep" "I love you Izzy" "I love you too kiddo... Goodnight" She starts to softly hum. Magnus looks at Jace.
"I best be off, but first I have one last thing to ask you before I depart..." Jace looks caught offguard and confused but he nods.
"How long has Alec been Little?" Jace's eyes widened significantly. Magnus smirks and create a portal. "Tell him that when he's ready, I'm here to listen. Goodbye Shadowhunter." He steps through his portal, leaving a dumbfounded Jace staring at the wall.

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