Magnus and Alec discuss the ageplay further

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Magnus wakes up before Alec in the morning and sees the shadowhunter curled up beside him. Magnus could sense that he had another nightmare at one point given that his own dream shifted, so he can't help but wonder what will happen when Alec wakes up. About thirty minutes later, Alec wakes up. He starts to stretch a bit, minding Magnus beside him, and hears something that makes him stop moving altogether. The slight crinkle from when his hips move causes him to still. He doesn't look at Magnus, too embarrassed to meet his eye. Magnus makes him look up at him and smiles.
"Good morning my love~ Did you sleep well?" Magnus is unfazed by any of this and it makes Alec freeze. He blushes and shakes his head, he woke up again from a nightmare but didn't want to get up. Magnus kisses his forehead.
"You could sleep more if you would like, but I'm sure you would want to get out of this first?" He reaches over and pats the back of Alec's diaper, the wearer realizing that it's not in the condition he was hoping for. Alec blushes and hides his face, feeling very small and starting to slip. Magnus notices and grabs Church from the floor beside the bed. He places the toy beside Alec as he starts to get out of bed. Magnus grabs what he knows he will need as Alec starts to sit up, clutching the fluffy cat plush to his chest. He looks like he's between headspaces, in hopes of aging down and avoiding embarrassment. In this moment, Magnus wonders how he's kept it hidden for so long in their relationship given how often Alec has aged down. He gestures for Alec to lie down while he takes care of it before it becomes a bigger issue.
"I'll do this quickly alright? No need to get upset love." He kisses Alec's forehead as he removes his sweatpants. Given Alec's little state of mind, he's not as embarrassed as he would have been. He plays innocently with Church as Magnus removes the soaked diaper and cleans him off, applying a new diaper to Alec while he's distracted. Alec notices when he goes to sit up and looks down at it. He looks up at Magnus with confusion on his face, but not embarrassed.
"Why another one? I don't need it I'm a big boy." He states as if it's very obvious with a pout. Magnus resists the urge to call him out on how cute he is and shakes his head.
"You're right. You don't need it but I thought you might feel more comfortable wearing one in case something happens. For the security. Is that okay?" Alec shrugs and gets off the bed. Magnus helps him into a pair of soft dark green pants that he got after discovering the little side.
"How does breakfast sound?" Alec nods and lets Magnus escort him to the living room. The warlock conjures up some waffles and cuts them up for Alec, seemingly on auto pilot. Alec is too distracted by the cartoons Magnus put on to even notice. Once Alec's waffles are prepared how he likes them, which includes strawberries and powdered sugar, he starts feeding himself and makes a mess in the process. Magnus laughs and wipes his face.
"Here." He offers a forkful of food in front of Alec's mouth, feeding him again. Alec accepts without hesitation and it warms Magnus's heart. After they finish eating and Alec gets cleaned up, Magnus looks at him.
"I'm sorry to ask this of you but could you age up? Just for a moment. I would like to discuss some things with you alright?" Alec puts the stuffed cat out of sight and concentrates. Within five minutes, Alec is sitting up straight and looking at Magnus, slightly on edge due to his current attire.
"Something wrong, Mags?" Magnus smiles and shakes his head. He takes Alec's hand in his.
"I just wanted to establish a few ground rules if I may?" Alec nods and kisses Magnus's knuckles. Magnus takes in a deep breath and looks at him thoughtfully.
"I have taken the role as your caretaker so I want you to depend on me for anything you may need, do not hesitate to ask me for anything regardless of if I'm in the middle of something or not. Understood?" Alec nods shyly, not sure how to be dependent.
"I'm also curious about how far you're willing to take this or how young you're willing to act. I've fed you, diapered you, and given you a toy cat that you cuddle. I was just wondering if you had any limits love." Alec looks confused, he never really put much thought into it before. He considers it.
"Well... I mean... I enjoy what we've been doing lately and... I do like you taking control so... As young as you think would work with us then I'm willing to give it an attempt..." He blushes as he speaks his feelings. Magnus smiles and nods, turning to his next thought.
"How about a safe word? I know from experience that having a safe word can be useful and a comfort even if the situation does not call for it." Alec nods, agreeing with his boyfriend. "Alright good. Now, you are aware of the traffic light system correct?" Alec thinks for a moment before he nods, having a basic understanding. "Good! In that case let's use 'green' if all is well, 'yellow' if you need me to slow down or if you're not sure, and 'red' if you are entirely against it or need to stop everything immediately. Alright?" The shadowhunter nods to show his understanding. He pulls Magnus closer to him and kisses him gently on the cheek. Magnus gives a small chuckle as he faces Alec. He smiles at the younger man and plays with his hair a bit.
"You can age down again if you wish to. I want you to be comfortable." Before Alec can reply, his phone goes off. He checks the message, sees that he needs to leave in order to investigate a demon attack, and sighs while shaking his head.
"Can't. Duty calls." He sounds annoyed. Alec gets up to go get properly dressed. After he takes off his pants, he checks the alert again to see who will be with him. Seeing that it will only be himself and Jace, he decides to just leave his diaper on, not wanting to really waste it and as a just in case. He gets dressed into black jeans and a black tshirt as well as his usual jacket and boots. He grabs his weapons and goes over to Magnus, who is sitting in his study. He approaches him and kisses him passionately on the lips.
"I'll be back later. I love you." Magnus hugs him and smiles, kissing his chin. He notices Alec's choice of underwear but does not verbally acknowledge it, instead just swatting playfully at Alec's butt. The shadowhunter blushes at his boyfriend.
"I love you too darling~ Come back to me safely alright?" He kisses Alec's cheek and sends him on his way. Once he hears Alec leave, he goes back to preparing the Little room.

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