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It wouldn't be that bad to leave myself to mother, right? Then everything would be fine... And I can come back home. To precious hell.

I went up to my closet and put on a black button-up shirt and black jeans. Then I put on black shoes and put my hair up in a ponytail. I looked myself in the mirror and then walked out of my room.

I started to jog in the hallways to come to the gates quicker. The servants were as well running around with clothes. Panic was written on their faces. One of the servants stopped in front of me and gave me a knife.
"Take it, just in case," she said and then continued to run. 

I put the knife in my back pocket and ran to the gates. The gate was closed but the barrier was clearly gone. 

I gulped as I stepped outside. The princes were all standing in a perfectly well row. They all were wearing handsome suits. It seemed like they were very ready for what is to come. 

On the other side, I saw my mother with her demons slowly approaching us. I gulped. I took my steps towards the princes. 
"You are not gonna do anything weird, right?" Jin whispered in my ear which made me shiver a little bit. I nodded slightly, but of course, that was a lie.

My mother and her allies stopped about 30 meters in front of us. She was looking at me with a dark glare and a smirk. I clenched my fist in hesitation. But I convinced myself I have to do this. Now or never. 

I took my first step, then another and then I walked in anger and walked directly to my mother who was only smirking deviously.
"Y/n what are you doing!" I heard Jin screaming.
"I'm sorry," I said to myself. 

I walked towards my mother. I bowed to her deeply.
"I am sorry mother," I said. She patted my head.
"It's okay child," she replied.

I am truly sorry mother. I gulped as I pulled her into a tight hug, taken her by surprise. Now it's time to make her weaker. I took my knife and stabbed her in the back. Making blood run down her black clothing. Did I do it?

I heard my mother chuckle and she pulled away from me.
"Thinking that would stop me?" she said and looked at me angrily. I looked back and saw that the princes were gone. 
"Maybe that won't stop you, but this definitely will," a well know voice said. And suddenly, Namjoon, Jimin, Jin, Jungkook and Yoongi stood behind my mother. Taehyung and Hoseok were already fighting other demons.

My mother seemed annoyed and was about to pull out my knife in her back.  But suddenly big green branches trapped her body. She seemed even more annoyed and she pulled out the knife in the back. It looked like she was about to explode the branches.

But the branches were suddenly covered in flames and it spread to her clothes. She tried to get loose again by pulling harshly. Only one branch broke. Suddenly a big water barrier surrounded her body, were they trying to save her? But it turned into ice, which made the fire stop and my mother was stuck inside the ice.

Being strong as she is, I saw her trying to break the ice. And that is when I noticed. She was wearing a ring. She always wears that ring. A big sapphire in a beautiful shape. No one has ever thought about it. 

More green branches surrounded the iced body and were made into ice. Suddenly a strong wind came and pulled her up into the air and then slammed her back on the ground. Multiple times. 

Mother was now laying on the ground and looked pretty horrible. Her ring was fully approachable and completely exposed. I took my chance and let my curiosity take over me, which made me run and grab the ring. I then gave it to Jin. He looked at it carefully and then his eyes went wide. 

He quickly dropped it to the ground and stepped on it. It broke and small parts of the beautiful blue were laying around the ring.
"NO!" I heard my mother scream.

Suddenly I fell to the ground and fainted.

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