Chapter 19- Rainy Days & Surprises

Start from the beginning

Usually whenever Emma is about to come over she tells me in advance. So, I'm super confused as to what is going on here right now.

We finished school about two hours ago- meaning I didn't actually get home until like an hour ago because of Liam. Luckily, I took a shower to get the chills out of my body from the cold rain and I feel much better already.

"I need a tiny favor," she begins with a hopeful smile and I nod understandingly urging her to continue.

Emma asking me for a favor? That's definitely a first.

Today's just full of surprises! I finally got my first boyfriend and now Emma is showing up on my doorstep asking for favors.

"Do you think you and I can drive over to Alex's house? Something's wrong with Ariana. She's not answering her phone and she's been super snappy in class today. I even checked by her house and no answer." Emma further explains with a deep frown.

That's totally unlike Ari completely. She's the most responsible out of all of us. She wouldn't ever blow her friends off and suddenly now she's dating Alex King things are changing?

Not to mention the fact that she's been avoiding us as if we didn't exist for the last few weeks.

I mean I get that she has a boyfriend and all now but she won't even answer our text messages anymore!

"Yeah of course, but there's just a slight issue to that plan of yours." I admit truthfully and she shrugs in response. "I don't drive and neither of us knows where Alex lives."

She gives me a sheepish smile once again and folds her hands together. "I was hoping you could ask a favor from a specific quarterback."


Liam's car slowly pulls up to my parent's perfectly white painted house and Emma instantly runs outside in a blink of an eye before his car could even come to a full stop.

Liam now gets out of the car as Emma jumps in to the back seat. He opens the passenger side door for me and looks over curiously as I walk over to him. "What is she doing here? I thought we were going on a dat-" He asks in pure confusion and I cut him off before he could go on. "Emma is worried about Ariana. She's not home and she won't answer her phone, we were kinda hoping that you might know if she's with Alex and if you could drive us there." I beg pleadingly with a hopeful smile and he looked at me unsurely for a few moments, probably debating if this was a good idea or not.

It felt like eternity if I'm going to be honest!

"I'll make it up to you." I promise, placing a warm hand on his chest and this instantly makes his eyes light up in joy. "You got yourself a deal, Russo." He winks and I sigh out in relief as I slid myself into the seat which he closes the door for me right after.

A few minutes later and we were on our way. Emma nervously shifts her feet every two seconds and I suddenly feel more anxious than I was moments ago.

"Are we almost there yet?" She whines again for what seemed like the hundredth time since we got in the car. "No." Liam sighed in annoyance.

Emma's been asking if 'we're almost there yet' about ten times in the past ten minutes and Liam's getting pretty perturbed.

He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other lying against the console of the car. He looks pretty amazing but when does he? This is probably the first time in fifteen minutes that my nerves are finally settling down, and thankfully I can feel myself slowly escaping all my worries about Ariana from my head. I now sneak a look at his Liam and notice how cute he looks with his hair gelled to perfection rather than his normal slightly tousled hair.

His outfit is something that he normally wears which just consists of a muscle tank and a pair of joggers, something that I find myself liking more and more everyday on him.

Liam soon pulls into a quaint neighborhood and goes down a few houses until he stops at a warm beige colored home. Emma doesn't hesitate to hop out and leave the two of us alone before we could stop her.

"Definitely one of my favorite second dates." He chuckles in amusement and I shoot him a tiny glare. "I needed a way for you to pick us up and I didn't know if you would come if I told you the truth." I admitted sheepishly.

"I would go anywhere for you." He replies seriously, all traces of humor gone as his eyes swarm mine. My heart feels as if it's going to explode. It's official. Is it possible to have so many feelings for one single person?

I don't know how long we sat like that for because I completely forgot where we were and what we were doing here, but one thing I do know is that I'm completely hypnotized by him. It's clear that I'm terrible at hiding how I'm feeling because an automatic smile starts to tug at the corner of my lips.

Liam has changed so much since we first met. . . And of course I know what some say, people can't change who they are, but what if this was who he's been all along?

"Guys!" Emma shouts.

(A/n- Chapter nineteen is now out! I hope you enjoyed it! The original chapter got deleted but I tried my hardest to just as great. I'm really proud in how it turned out in the end. Thank you for reading this chapter and please don't forget to comment and share. I love to hear what you all have to say. If you have any suggestions feel free to tell me. Until next time!)

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