Chapter 9: Hide and Seek

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After flying for fourteen hours and twenty-five minutes, our flight finally landed to King Fahd International Airport, Dammam. We could feel the rumbling sound as the flight's wheel touched the ground. It was a tiring journey but the fact that we'll be home after a while kept us lively.

We gathered our luggages and started walking towards the Airport exit. A number of people, of different ages, different castes, different places, all stood there, waiting for someone or the other. Everytime someone would come out, all eyes turned towards them. A small boy of probably 3-4 years old, stood infront of Suhaib and yelled "DADDA". Suhaib ruffled the boy's hair and smiled at him. A lady came out in hurry, mumbled a Sorry and took the little boy aside with her. I burst out laughing.

After a while, we found Zuhaib a suitable distance away, waving at us. His lips twitched into a wide smile. He patted my back and pulled me into a tight hug.

'Salam Ammar! How are you doing mahn?' He asked.

'I am good. You have got pretty good hairstyle though!' I chuckled.

'Looks like his head is some sort of resting place for sparrows, And you call it a hairstyle Ammy?' Suhaib asked raising his eyebrows.

'If my spikes resembles a nest, then yours are nothing less than overgrown grasses.' Zuhaib grinned.

'Owkie you two! We'll keep this entire "Who's-got-the-coolest-hairstyle" contest for some other day. We need to hurry home now.'

'Yallah boys! Lets get going.' Zuhaib said.

After a twenty-five minutes drive, We finally reached home. Tired.

The cool atmosphere dried our sweaty faces. Once we reached home, Uncle Yahya pulled me in a tight manly hug and Aunt Maryam started placing kisses all over Suhaib's face. For a fraction of a second, I felt envious. I wished if my Mom was alive today, things would have been so different then. I shook away my thoughts as I knew it was Shaytaan provoking this envious thoughts in me. I had a loving and caring sister, and a family which treated me like its own, and I was grateful for that.

I mumbled my salam and went to where Rumaisa was standing, a few steps behind Uncle Yahya, with a wide smile. She embraced in a gentle hug and looked at me. Excitement filled in her eyes. I sensed a deep and intense satisfaction within myself the moment I saw her.

Life is all about the little things. Hence its better to do whatever makes us happy and to be with whoever makes us smile.

I moved to Suhaib's room with my bags and freshened up myself. Within a while I fell in deep slumber.



After having a quick shower, I descended the staircase to have my dinner. As I reached the dining hall, I found everyone already seated on the table, waiting for food. Dad was seated at the one-center of the table. Ammar on his left and Zuhaib on his right. I took a seat beside Zuhaib, opposite to Rumaisa.

Family dinners are always beautiful in their own way. Its a time where each member of the family not only dine but also spends a little yet joyful time with everyone. After a long and stressful day, laughing over the lame jokes of your sibblings and talking to your parents refreshes our mood and recharges our mind.

Mum came in with plenty of dishes. We upturned our plates and started filling our plates with variety of food. We usually used to have a light dinner but since mum made so many dishes with lots of love and efforts, we filled our plates with lots of food.

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