Chapter 2: The Handwriting

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The clock striked Nine. Suhaib entered the kitchen and toasted bread for two. He placed the bread and bacon on two plates and was setting some other stuffs on the dining table, when a soft feminine voice broke the silence of the atmosphere.

" As Salam alaikum dadda!! Pleasant Morning, aint it?"

" Wa alaikum salam Rasha!! Of course it is, Its Sunday after all." Suhaib said, giving his daughter Rasha a warm hug.

They occupied their seats and started with their breakfast. Rasha enquired her dad about her mom's health and recovery and answered his various school related questions. They finished their breakfast and placed them in the sink.

" I'll do the dishes dadda..." Rasha said taking the plates from her dad. She rolled her long black hair into a bun and pinned it. Most of her features were similar to that of Suhaib except for the mole below her lower lip, which of course was similar to that of her mother, Rumaisa. She pulled the sleeves of her flower graphed Tee upwards and started with her cleaning work.

When she was finally done with her chores, she made it to her room and fell on the bed, waiting for her dad to call her for the hospital visit. Most of the days, they visited Rumi at the evenings, but during weekend​ Suhaib would drop Rasha in the morn, finish all his other work and join them for lunch later.

He actually wanted to stay back at the hospital watching his wife recover from her illness but Rumi assumed it be a distraction for his business and asked him to stay back home with Rasha.

" Rasha, hurry up, honey!! We're getting late for the hospital." Suhaib's voice echoed throughout the house like drum beats.

"Coming dadda" Rasha hurriedly wore her Abaya and pinned her hijaab.

About fifteen minutes later, they found themselves infront of one amongst the largest medical centres of Chicago. It took them 7+ minutes to reach their desired room.

They opened the door and crept inside the room. A single bed with a weak women connected to many large and small machines with many small wire like tubings was lying at the centre of the room.

Rasha and Suhaib mumbled their Salaams and embraced the women into small hug.

"How have you been Rumi? " Suhaib asked caressing her hand gently.

"I was doing good, but now that you two are here, am doing much better, Alhumdulillah" Rumaisa replied weakly.

They had a family time for a while and then Suhaib excused himself saying he had some documentary stuffs to be signed at the reception.

Rasha had a warm conversation with her mum. She prayed for her mum to get recovered soon so that they can have this sweet family time all the time they wished to.



"Its been about fifteen minutes, dadda hadn't returned yet. I'd better go check him out."

I wonder what is taking dadda so long?

Since the lift always seemed busy, I descended the staircase and made my way towards the busy receptionist. She was a kind and sweet lady.

I looked all around her desk and found dadda at the corner doing some paperwork.

"Arent you done yet, dadda?"

"I'll be back in an hour Rasha. I've got some other work to attend after this" He said pointing at the documents he was signing.

I mumbled an audible OK, after which I turned to leave.


A thought stopped me mid way and I turned towards dadda again who had already resumed his work. I took a step forward to take a better look at the documents. I couldn't believe it!! Never in the past thirteen years of my life did I notice it!

His handwriting!!!
Yes it was his handwriting that i found in the little diary last week!!
But I was confused as to why would he write all that in that diary?!
What does it all mean?
Were Mum and Dad married by force?

Thousands of questions kept spinning in my brains. But I thought​ of a better solution to unlock thia secret.
Yes!! I will gather all possible knowledge and solve the mystery on my own!!

With a bundle of questions and a tiny plan in my brain, I ascended the staircase and approached my mom.

"Dadda will be back after an hour mama!"

Mamma nodded her head and gestured me to sit near her. I did as she asked me to.

"Mumma!!! How did you and dadda got married?" I asked her trying my best to sound normal and to control my curiosity!


As salam alaikum and a pleasant night dear readers!!!

I am sure you're all doing great!!

So...did you like the chappy??

The next update will be out soon!!!

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Have a great day!!

Stay awesome!!
Stay crazy!!


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