Chapter 3: The Past

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"Ok. I guess its time to tell you everything you should know my baby!"
Rumaisa smiled at her daughter."Your dadda and mamma were married in not so good conditions you see. Your dad was just 21 and I was only 18. Both of us were under graduates."

" Oh! Why so early mamma?"

"Your dad and Ammar were not just cousins, they were the best of friends. They graduated from the same university of Chicago. At the begining, when Ammar left, I was really very upset. But then again, Time is the best healers, and it did heal lot many things. I was busy with my studies, when one day, all of a sudden..."


Year 2003:

I was preparing for my last exams, I had physics the next day and then as dad promised us (Me and Mom), we'll be going to Dubai for a week. It was a combination of tense and excitement both at the same time.

I finished studying the last chapter of Physics and went downstairs to have my dinner. It was around 10:00 p.m.
I quickly finished my dinner and returned to my room. Unlike others, the night before exams, I never studied much. I always felt that one day prior studies did no good, atleast not to me.

The next morning as usual I woke up around 7:00 a.m in the morning, freshened myself and took one last glance at all my notes. Mumma called me for breakfast, but nay! I was so deeply buried in my books that I couldn't hear anything around me.

"Ugh Rumi!! You have been studying all these since days!! Allah is merciful. He will definitely grant you success in all your exams. Now have some breakfast else you will feel all sleepy in the examination hall."

I just nodded my head in affirmative and continued peeping in my books. My mom got irritated by my gesture and she started stuffing the breakfast in my mouth. But I must say, when your mom feeds you, even your hattest food tastes way too delicious. And that moment is a moment to be marked!

A while later my dad called me out for school. He was ready with his car. My mom quickly gave me a peck on my cheek, I mumbled my salaam and got into the car. Dad dropped me in my examination centre. I found my friend Saniya waving at me. Together, we entered our respective blocks.

3 hours later:

At the sound of the final bell, I stood from my seat and handed over my answer sheets to the invigilator. Physics had always been my favorite and like always even this time I did well in my exams.

I spotted Saniya around the gates if the school. I walked to her and we discussed the entire question paper like around five times. But then Saniya's brother came to pick her and she left.

Tick Tock.
Tick Tock.

I was waiting for my dad for about 20 minutes. I even tried his number thrice but all my calls went unanswered. Finally I gave up and hired a cab.

I rang the doorbell and Asma, who​ was our maid since the past three years answered it. I greeted her with my salaams, she replied back with a smile and handed me a glass of water. There ws no sign of either of my parents which was really strange.

I decided to stay back and wait till they return. But five seconds after I sat on the sofa, the landline phone made me stand again!

I held the receiver to my ears, it was uncle Usman, one of my dad's colleagues on the other end. I mumbled a Hello. But his reply made the receiver from hand fall. I was shocked at his words.

With a terrified look on my face, I took my phone and wallet and rushed out of my house. I took a cab and asked the driver to take me to the nearby hospital. On the way I called Ammar and informed him about the accident. I couldn't speak. My voice broke down and my hands were shivering. Somehow I managed to share the little knowledge I had with him. He consoled me and said that he'll be home with the next available flight.

As soon as I reached the hospital, I rushed towards the Operation theatre. The aroma of the hospital was freaking me out. It was difficult to withstand that medicinal scent and calm atmosphere. But I stood there waiting with Uncle Usman. It seemed like I've been waiting here since ages. Every passing minute could be felt. Time is really strange. When we want it to pass as early as possible​, it seems to crawl as if it would never pass, And when we want it to stop and live the moment, it flies with the speed of light.

Two hours passed by. No news from the O.T. Ammar called me up and said he would be here by night. Uncle Yahya and Zuhaib were already here.

And then the doctor came out of the O.T. We rushed towards him. Drips of sweat covered his forehead. Uncle Yahya gestured him to talk.

"I am sorry M.r Yahya. We tried our best but we couldn't save him. Allah knows the best. He is the giver of life and he is the one who takes it. Anyways we've operated on the lady, but we cant assure you of anything yet."


As salam alaikum!!
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