"Well, there's  supposed to be a hidden stache of bagged goodies, mostly muggle treats that I requested be here when this term started. Then we have leftovers from the past meal, they are probably in the fridge though, and I'm not really feeling leftovers if I'm being honest. The last option is we cook something ourselves, this kitchen has literally every ingredient known to man, so I can definitely figure something out," Evan said while moving around the ginormous kitchen. Without waiting for him to reply, she moved to the other side of the giant counter and started pulling the strangest objects out of drawers and random food bases from cabinets. She ran over to the fridge and yanked everything in sight out of it, leaving a giant pile of uncooked food. His head was spinning with all the food he saw, knowing he was in way over his head in this matter, seeing as he had never cooked a day in his life. That's why he stuck to stuff he knew, not dwelling on things that were already done for him or that he could do with magic. Looking at the excitement on Evan's face, she clearly didn't feel the same way. She twirled her crazy hair into a messy bun and went to work.

Grabbing some package from among the the pile she asked "Do you think we have time to make some cookies? This things are my weakness! Also I'm just gonna make some grilled cheeses and make a quesadilla or two if you'd like, that's what's easiest for me, and creates the least mess," she continued, talking more to herself than him. Considering he had no idea what a quesadilla was, he figured it was just be best to be quiet and let Evan figure everything out. She had a different idea. Snapping her fingers and waving her arms like a madwoman, she demanded Cedric's help and he was too afraid to do anything but follow her. He rejoined her and looked down at the small girl, waiting for instructions. Looking up at him, she began listing things she needed for him to do, but he was too busy noticing how intense and determined her blues eyes were. Wait what?

Realizing he was clearly helpless, she just made him sit on the counter while she worked, commanding him to stay put and out of the way lest he throw off her groove. Cedric was completely okay with this, as it gave him time to observe the enigmatic girl without threat of Katherine. She whirled around the kitchen with such grace and speed. Although he was well over a foot taller than her and probably had 100 pounds on the girl, he knew to cross her would be a huge mistake. While she was cooking she didn't speak, besides the few stray comments when she mumbled something under her breath.

Within a few short minutes, there was something sizzling on the grill and a delicious aroma coming from the oven, reminding his stomach how hungry he was. While still working on the sizzling food, Evan told him where the pantry with the chips were located, clearly hearing the grumbles coming from him uncontrollably. Hopping off the counter, he followed her instructions into the biggest pantry he'd ever seen. It was so big, you would walk deep into it and see rows and rows of food. Looking around, he saw a hidden corner with a giant basket label 'Muggle Food for our Eves' and knew immediately that was what he was sent in here to grab. Seizing the bag and reclaiming his seat on the counter facing Evan, Cedric surveyed his treasures. Combing through the basket, he found an array of treats he had never seen before that looked delicious, such as something called Swiss Rolls. They looked like chocolate goodness and he opened up the box, dying to try one. While stuffing his face he realized that Evan was watching him with a look of amusement, holding a plate stacked with several different foods. He happily grabbed the plate while Evan hopped up and joined him on the counter, just as hungry as him. After eating the first mystery food that was simple but delicious, Cedric felt much better and wanted to address some pressing matters.

"Is it just my imagination or do these elves adore you? Earlier you seemed chummy with them and you have your own hidden collection of food in here? Do you often skip dinner? And how are you so good at cooking?" I asked, wondering how this setup came to be.

Happily ever after? /// Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now