Chapter 6 'Detours'

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Chapter 6          ‘Detours’ 

There was just one step to go and she would be in Narcissa’s arms when the lady from the counter called;

“Your bill’s ready!”

Evanna turned away from Narcissa and walked towards the counter. She heard Narcissa giving a deep sign and dropping her arms to her sides.

She gave the money and took the large paper bag which contained her things for potion making and again walked towards Narcissa but now faster than before and looked at her wide smiling face.

Narcissa had a weird expression in her eyes which showed that she was worn-out, weak and still a sparkle of hope was starting to occur in her eyes like maybe she would get some happiness in her life again. Draco was silently standing beside the tall shelf which was full of bottles containing Salamander blood that the both females had totally forgotten about him being there. The counter lady was curiously looking at the whole scene and was thoroughly enjoying herself like she was watching a movie.

Evanna was standing right in front of the woman who gave birth to her. She felt her stomach roll over and her heart beat to rise a little. She wanted to look away from her emerald green eyes which were full of tears. Happy tears or sad; that was not understandable as Narcissa’s face had, on the whole, every expression.

Evanna looked straight into her dark green eyes and said in a stern tone through her clenched teeth;

“Why should I? Who are you to me?”

“No,” breathed Narcissa in a petrified manner, “Please.”

Just when Evanna was going to answer her back, all of them heard the sweat and anxious voice of Molly Weasley from outside the shop; she was trying to look inside through the posters;

“Evanna! Are you done?” she called from outside and then started fussing around with the others who were standing beside her, “Why did you leave her alone?....."

"Coming........ mother,” Evanna replied back; on the first word she looked outside and on the last word she looked straight into Narcissa’s eyes to make sure that Narcissa had realized that who she really thought of like her mother.

Evanna gave a stern look towards Narcissa and walked out without a second glance even though she heard something heavy dropping to the ground behind her.

The door bell rang again and the door closed behind her with a soft click. She felt surprisingly happy to see her mother; Mrs. Weasley that she didn’t felt the need to force a fake smile on her face for the others, the smile came on its own.

She came forward and un-expectedly hugged Mrs. Weasley who was also surprised and they all started walking forward into the north side of the Alley to Fred and George’s shop. She could most certainly need a laugh and being with Fred and George was what she wanted at that time.

“Why did you took so much time?” Mrs. Weasley enquired.

“The list was quite... long... and you know I can be really lazy and slow.”

“This is no time to be lazy and slow....”

“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m not in the ’wanted’ list made by the deatheaters.”

“Evanna!” Mrs. Weasley shot her a stern look.

“Nicely comprehended, Ev! I was also thinking what to call the situation Harry is in,” Ron said with a grin spread on his face and he ruffled Evanna’s hair.

“Ha Ha so funny guys,” Hermione said while Harry looked quite amused himself, it felt like he had also been thinking the same thought as Ron.

“Don’t mess with the hair, Ron,” Evanna said with her forefinger moving from left to right in a way to say ‘no.’

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