Chapter 37 'Sectumsempra'

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Hayoo lovely readers!!! <3

First I wanna say that thnku sooooo much for sticking with Connected!! Means a lot!!!! :DDD

And yeah! Secondly! I wanted to say that there has been a bit of change in Chapter 36 so don't forget to check it out ya lovely people!!

Thank you! Now Read On!!!! :D


Chapter 37 ‘Sectumsempra’

Evanna strongly held Draco’s hand for the feeling of security. She hurriedly looked up at Draco who to Evanna’s great surprise looked down at her; a weak apologetic smile on his lips. Her expressions abruptly changed to those of utter disbelief and hurt. She jerked her hand away from his with disgust and stepped away.

“Evanna,” breathed the woman standing in front of them and took a few step towards Evanna.

Evanna hastily took steps back till her hands touched the Vanishing Cabinet.

But the woman didn’t stop, she kept moving towards Evanna with her arms stretched as a gesture of hug. Innately, Evanna pointed her wand towards her and said harshly;

“One step further and I won’t stop myself.”

The woman made a noise which was a mixture of a gasp and a moan. She looked at Draco with questioning eyes and he looked away abruptly.

“Why are you doing this, Evanna?” she breathed, “You came here… then why?”

“I did come here but… but not for this,” Evanna gestured towards her mother, “I’ve been tricked into this.”

Narcissa let out a sob and fell on a chair nearby. Evanna slowly withdrew her wand and her eyes attentively followed every movement Narcissa made.

“I didn’t tell you to do this, Draco,” she said after stabilizing herself, “Why did you do it? You broke her trust… why?”

But before Draco could answer his mother, Evanna intervened, “Oh please, you don’t have to be such a goody goody,” she said with revulsion over her face.

“Goody goody?” Narcissa inquired in shock, “How can you say such a thing?”

Evanna gave out a sarcastic laugh, “How can I? Well, I did and you should look at your doings if you want an answer that ‘how can I say such a thing?’” she mimicked her mother.

Narcissa took deep breaths, her eyes gleaming with tears in the candle light, “I do understand there are not much happy moments in your life with us but if you put some effort on your brain then you will find some moments that you should cherish, my dear."

“Unbelievable!” Evanna exclaimed, “Totally unbelievable!”

“Don’t you remember a thing? Don’t be ungrateful!”

“Oh no! I remember everything. The time you gave me up without any resistance, when you signed the adoption papers without hesitating. The times you kept quite when I got punished. How you reacted when I got sorted into Gryffindor. Oh, I remember everything,” Evanna rubbed away the tears that had rolled down her cheeks.

“My daughter!”

“Don’t call me that!”

“Fine,” Narcissa exhaled, “But you don’t remember the time I taught you both the healing spells? The times I protected you from your aunt… the times I supplied you food when you weren’t allowed to eat. And I know you know what I had to go through… your father…”

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