Oh! A Note!

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Author’s Note!

Hayooo!!! Lovely readers!!!

First, I wanna say I love you all!!! Thank you soooooo much for sticking with Connected! God bless you all!!! :D

I won’t say much right now. I’ll leave it and write it all down after the last chapter WHICH IS the next one!!!! *screams happily*

No rambling now! Let’s get to the point, shall we?

Ok, I wanna ask you great people that *dramatic pause* that do you want a happy or a sad ending? *finishes quickly with eyes tightly shut*

*Exhales* What I mean is that do you want Evanna to live or… *sobs wildly* I can’t even write it down! I think you guys get the point! Do you?

Well, if you don’t then following are the options:

1) Evanna lives

2) Evanna dies

You have no idea! Well, I didn’t have even till now that… that I’m in love! Yes, in love with Evanna! It was pretty hard writing the second option *sobs*.

Do comment and let me know! The last chapter depends on your amazing opinions!

P.S: By the way, isn’t the first option just lovely! ;P

P.S.S: Be honest! :]

P.S.S.S: Isn't the banner cute? X]

Bu bye! Have a lovely life! <3

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