💜 Mints and Lilies

Start from the beginning

"Thank you!" Jungkook smiles at Taehyung and places a peck onto his hyung's cheek. Sometimes the skinship makes Taehyung wonder "what are we, really?" But he knows where to place himself in Jungkook's life, a best friend. He doesn't mind, though. Taehyung's main mission in life is to defend Jungkook until he's ready to mate, until he finds someone he loves. Taehyung's not ready for that.

"Tae, let's go to uni together." Jungkook says, then takes a sip of his second mug of hot chocolate. Taehyung makes the best hot chocolate. Taehyung hums, finishing off his toast and looks at Jungkook, "What time does your practice start?"

"Around two."

"Mind coming with me quarter to one?"

"Sure, I have to be early today, too. We're meeting the new member." Taehyung's attention is now drawn fully to Jungkook who still happily sips on his beverage along with his humming, because really, Taehyung makes the best hot chocolate.

"New member, who's he? Status?" And Jungkook loves it like this; Taehyung can get possessive of him sometimes, it's cute. There's a hint of playfulness in Jungkook's eyes as he smiles at Taehyung. On the contrary, Taehyung has a stoic expression, he knows Jungkook loves it when he gets territorial.

Jungkook stands up, handing Taehyung the mug for him to wash, he pushes himself up to sit beside the sink. Taehyung scowls and mutters "I'm not your maid." to Jungkook who just chuckles. "Kim Mingyu, he's an alpha, I think."

God forbid Taehyung to tell Jungkook to drop that dance class. It's only an extra-curricular class, surely there are other extra-curricular classes Jungkook can take up. There's always room in Taehyung's photography club, and Jungkook likes taking pictures, maybe he'd like it there with Taehyung. I mean, not with Taehyung only, like, with Taehyung in the club together with the other members. It's not like Taehyung wants to be alone with Jungkook during photography club.


And the reason why Taehyung always tells the omega to drop that class is because it is packed with alphas. The class has 30-ish members and about 21 of them are alphas. The first half of those 21 alphas joined the class because of dance and the other half joined because of Jungkook. Yeah, I know, crazy, right?

"Can't you move to another club? You have a nice voice, why don't you transfer to the Glee Club, or be with me in Photography?"

"We've talked about this. I went to Glee Club last year and photography is your forte."

"But you take good pictures." He's almost whining. They've had this conversation a couple of times already. Taehyung wants Jungkook to get out of that class, it's not safe for him. And he knows Jungkook can handle himself when he's being flirted with by the alphas and betas but heat is a different story. Sure, werewolves have already evolved into modern times, adapting to more civilized manners, but there are some cases that had occurred to omegas in heat being forced by the alphas. Omega pheromones are stronger and more arousing in heat that sometimes turn alphas feral. To top it all off, Jungkook is softer when he's in heat, not like the other omegas whose heats are bearable.

Or maybe Taehyung just has a soft spot for Jungkook.

"Tae," Taehyung stops washing to look at Jungkook. There's that stupid-cute look on Jungkook's face again, the one where he looks innocent, pure, and his eyes hold something Taehyung cannot read but that something makes Jungkook's beautiful doe eyes glow. Taehyung loves that. "you trust me, right?" Jungkook says in the calmest, sweetest voice he has.

No, he's not cute. Stop it, Taehyung. Taehyung sighs, partly because he's having an internal debate with himself and partly of Jungkook's stubborn nature, "I trust you." Because he does. He really, really does. Taehyung continues washing the dishes, at a very slow pace I might add, because he's thinking about transferring himself into that dance class. Yes, he knows how to dance, but he's not too enthusiastic about it. If Jungkook won't transfer, might as well he does, right?

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