44. talks

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'Are you joking I'm only 17' i said

'I know i know but it's okay take a test' he said

'Where am I gonna get a pregnancy test from' i said

'Here' i heard Lydia and she walked in

'You were listening' i said

'The whole house was' she said and everyone walked in

Oh fuck

'From last night from 10 pm all the way to 5 you guys were getting it on and now your saying your pregnant' liam said

'I dont know if i am' i said

'Hey it's ok it's fine go check' Lydia said

'What if its wrong or something' i said

'I have 2 more' she said and handed me all 3 and i walked into the bathroom and 20 minutes later I walked out shocked

'Well' Sapphire said

'All 3 of them are positive' i said and Asher hugged me

'Are you gonna keep it' Sapphire said

'Yeah i mean i dont want to abort it' i said

'Ok so get some towels, water, hot water bottle, maybe knives' Lydia said

'What' i said

'Since you are a wolf the baby can come within 8 weeks' she said

'What I'm gonna have a huge bumb on my graduation' i said

'No you have 5 days till graduation you'll have the slightest bump' she said

'My head hurts' i said

'Rest in bed you need energy for your graduation' she said

'It's 5 days' i said and she nodded

'Get some rest I'll get you some food' she said and when they all left Asher hugged me

'Oh my god I'm gonna be a dad omg omg omg' he said

'Yeah 8 weeks which is 2 months I'm actually scared' i said

'Don't worry' he said

'I love you and you know that' he said

'I love you too' i said

'Then what's up' he said

'There's a baby growing in my stomach' i said and he laughed

'You'll be ok' he said

'I hope' i said

'HERE'S FOOD' Lydia yelled walking in

'FOOD' i yelled

'What food can do' Asher said

'It can change anyone's mood bitch' i said eating the pancakes.....


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