39. talks

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'First graduation which is literally on Friday next Friday they moves ur closer and probably a month later I'll get us a spot it's all gonna be nice' i heard Asher say and I threw away the bin and i walked back and luke jumped on me

'Hey buddy how you doing' i said

'Greattttttt' he said and i sat him on the counter and gave him a kinder chocolate

'CHOCYYYY' he yelled and i laughed and he hugged me and grabbed my head and kissed my nose

'Awww' i said


'What does he mean' i asked Lydia

'He Wants you to go park with him' she said

'Sure you got more clothes' i asked

'My room third door on the left his rooms the 2nd on the right and Wear a jacket wear the leather one' she said and i picked him up and first walked into lydias room and sat him on the bed and i was in a hoodie so I just needed jeans and trainers and the jacket lydia was on about

It was nice might as well wear it

I grabbed what I needed and walked into the bathroom and changed and then i walked out and saw luke jumping on the bed

'Stop' i said picking him up and taking him to his room and sat him on his bed and opened the wardrobe and picked out a shirt and some jeans and a jacket

Wow like his brother

He grabbed some glasses and i laughed

'Those are you brothers' i said taking them off and he grabbed one  of my fingers and gave me my phone and I walked to the front door

'Hey lyida we are going we will be back in about an hour' I said and she nodded and we walked outside and headed down the road

'OH MY GOD SQUIRREL' he yelled

'Yeah its looking for food' i said and he laughed and let go of my hand and ran off

'LUKE' i yelled running after him and he laughed and i grabbed him

'Never run away' i said reaching up to the park and he ran to the swings and sat himself in it

'Push me push me' he said and i went behind him and started pushing him

'YAYYYYY' he yelled

'Well well look what got caught in the trap' i heard someone......

My Bad Boy Alpha حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن