5. roasting

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'What ever' i said

'After school' she said

'Can't' me and Asher said

'Why' she asked

'Um unlike you i actually have to work after school to do things so I'll do the stupid dettention on Monday' i said walking away

'Lunch' she said

'Lunch is to eat, I'm not starving, i said Monday' i said walking away and out the room and sat on the side until i heard clicking

'Hey baby' i heard jessica

'Hey' Asher said and i heard noises


I got back up and started walking to the back of the school and then I heard footsteps Behind me but didn't dare to look back and kept walking and sat on one of the benches on my phone scrolling through instagram

'You good' i heard and i turned around and saw xavier

'Yeah why' i asked putting my phone away

'No one ever comes here' he said

'Then why are you here' i said

'I saw you running' he said

'Oh okay' i said and heard more footsteps

It was liam

'Wow wasn't expecting you 2' liam said

'I was just leaving' i said getting up and walking away from them and heading to the bleachers and saw Asher practising rugby with cole

Rugby is the schools sport and i tried to text Lydia


For fuck sakes

I waited for the bell to go as I sat there and heard something coming at me fast

I pulled out my hand and grabbed the ball

I looked at the field and saw all the players watching me

I got up and put the ball in my hand and threw it and they all started running and Someone grabbed it and I'm not surprised that Asher caught it and I sat back down and then the bell rang and i got up and headed down when I heard my name

'KING HIT THE SHOWERS' i heard coach yell to Asher and he took off his helmet and ran inside

'ALEX' I heard and i jumped and turned around

'Didn't mean to scare you' coach said

'Good shot there' he said

'Thanks coach' i said

'Keep up the good work' he said and walked away

Well then

I checked my phone again and saw no texts

I walked to geography and when i got there I saw Asher already there

What the hell that was fast

He walked in and then I walked in after

'Miss winters why are you late' she said

'The second bell hasn't gone yet' i sad and just then it went

'Get your facts straight' i said and sat down

'Right so today we are learning about the amazon rainforest' she said

She put on a video and we sat in class watching a documentary about the forest for the whole class

Literally i actually had to do this today like it was so dead

I started doodling in my notebook when the teacher took it

'What are you doing' i asked

'Why are you doodling' she said

'Actually it's the rain forest oh and there's the pond and that's the howler monkey' i said

'And why's the big fat cow there' she asked

'Oh you've mistaken the big fat cows in front of me talking to me' i said and everyone started laughing

'PRINCIPLES OFFICE' she yelled and i laughed......

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