4. Anger

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'Ok bye thanks for letting us in' cole said

'Don't worry' i said cleaning the table and they left


I made sure everything was in its place and the taps were closed and then I grabbed eveything and closed the shop down and headed home

As I was walking i felt eyes watching me and when i turned around i saw the woods I was bitten in

I looked closer and saw red eyes but nothing else

I started backing away as it got closer and i started running and stopped when i heard nothing and i was sweating and panting

What on earth was that

I got to my apartment and walked in sitting on the couch

I got back up and put my stuff on the counter and headed upstairs and put my phone on charging and then changed into some pyjamas then jumped into bed

I played with my phone for a bit then put my alarm on and then closed my eyes drifting into sleep


I woke up due to the birds chirping an the sunlight coming in through the blinds

What do you think this is some fairy tale

I woke up to vacuuming coming from outside

I opened my blinds with my fingers and saw the cleaners cleaning the hallways

'Ughh' i said going into my bathroom and when i pulled up my shirt and took off the bandage


Like nothing happened

I started pulling and rubbing my skin but it was lie nothing happend


First ny glasses
Then my anger
And now this

I was completely speechless like how is that possible

I shook my head and looked at the time

Shit I'm gonna be late

I ran to my closet and pulled out a shirt, jeans and a Jean jacket with my trainers and left my hait out and put my phone on my pocket and ran downstairs and grabbed the house keys


Forget it I'll eat at break

I grabbed a chocolate bar and ran outside and started fast walking

As the school came in sight the bell rang and i ran in the gates before they closed

I'm not late


I walked into school too see the hallways empty and i walked into maths

'Sorry I'm late' i said and sat down

'I need to speak with you after class' she said and i nodded

After class as everyone left me and Asher was the ones left

'Mr king i see your grades are falling down' The teacher said

Oh no

'Yeah you know I'm busy with football and stuff' he said

'Right so that's why miss winters is here would you tutor him' she said

'No' i said

'Excuse me' she said

'You heard me ive got a life you can't expect me to move things out the way just because someone's grades are falling down' i hissed

'I dont think you want to loose all your extra credits' he said

'You cant do that because ill get your ass sacked and I've got straight A's straighter than the damn pole you danced on last night' i hissed

'DETTENTION' she yelled

Where the hell is this anger coming from......

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