21. oh hello bitch

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'My parents weren't wolves' i said

'Are you sure' he said

'Yep their eyes never changed, they never changed into wolves and we're never pissed during the full moon' i said

'Are you better' he said

'No I hear noises' i said and just then i heard a loud ringing in my ear

'AHHHH FUCK' I yelled pulling my arms forward and the chains broke

'ALEX CALM DOWN' he yelled

'I CANT MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP ASHER' i yelled and just then the ringing got louder

Way louder

My hands slapped over my ears and squeezed the but nothing seemed to have happend

It just kept going

I felt my claws come out and my eyes change and my back arch

I'm changing

'I CANT STOP IT' I yelled and i was now in my wolf form

'Alex stay there' Asher said and i sat down and whimpered and he kneeled down and hugged me

'Everything's gonna be alright' he said

'She needs to be taken to the pack house' he said

'Why' cole said

'It's the alpha he's making her hear the eliýungis' he said

'Oh shit' Xavier said

'Alex listen follow me if you hear anything don't listen just keep following me okay' Xavier said and i nodded and started following him and i heard the ringing noise again and I stopped and sat down whimpering and i had the urge to howl

Xavier looked at me and started running but it was too late

I was running down the street already and I heard a howl from xavier and Asher and the others came

'Alex stop'  Asher said through mind link

'I can't' i said it back and ran after and faster until it stopped and the control was off of me and i fell down and changed back and footsteps Came to me and if looked up

'Jonathan ' i said and he pulled me up

'Your just as worse as your parents' he said and i rabbed his arm twisting it and pulled him over me and pinned him to the floor pressing my knee to his head and his arms over his back pressed

'Well done little sis but your no match for me' he said and pushed me away making me fly through the air and he pointed his stupid gun at me

'What are you gonna do shoot me' i hissed and then Asher and the others came

'Maybe it's made out of silver' he said

'Listen you little murderer do me a favour before your ass gets ripped to shreds, fuck off' i hissed

'No can do wolves are the enemy here' he said

'Your the enemy here why the fuck did you kill our parents and killed our aunt who the fuck do you think you are' i hissed

'A hunter that's going to kill you all and that stupid alpha and hang you up right in the middle of your school' he said as more people came

'He just declared war' Asher growled

'And he's going to wish he didn't' i said.....

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